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7. Recitation. 8. Practice in Quartett- and Orchestral Playing. 9. Solo-playing, with accompaniment, and Ensemble-playing. 10. Practice in Public Performance. §4. Beyond the walls of the Institution the following further opportunities of musical education are offered to the pupils : a. The twenty-two Gewandhaus Concerts (which have attained a reputation even in foreign lands) and their Rehearsals. By kind permission of the direc tors pupils of the Conservatorium are admitted gratuitously to these Rehearsals. b. The Quartett and Chamber Music Concerts, which likewise take place every winter. c. The Church Music performed on Saturdays and Sun days by the Choir of the Church of St. Thomas. d. The Performances in the City Theatre, and e. Numerous Concerts and Recitals. In addition to these means of musical education, the University and the other institutions afford the pupils an opportunity of extending their studies in every direction. §5- The Public Practice Evenings which, as a rule, are held once or twice a week, afford the pupils an oppor tunity of practice in public performance. §6. The supreme direction and administration of the In stitution are in the hands of the Directors named at the end of this prospectus who form the Council. The staff of Masters at present consists of those whose names and the branches they teach are given