HE Royal Conservatorium of Music of Leipzig, sanctioned and supported by the favour of His Majesty the King, was established at Easter, 1843, under the energetic and intelligent superinten dence of Kapellmeister Dr. Felix Mendelssohn-Bar- tholdy. From its very beginning (on the 2 nd of April, 1843), the Institution enjoyed such consideration, both at home and abroad, that the number of pupils in the first half-year amounted to 44 (33 Gentlemen and 11 Ladies). At the commencement of the second half- year the number had risen to 60 (46 Gentlemen and 14 Ladies). Since then the increase has been conti nuous, not alone from Saxony and the other States of Germany, but also from foreign countries : Austria- Hungary, Denmark, Great-Britain, Greece, Holland, Italy, Norway, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, North and South America. At present the number of pupils throughout the year is more than 900. An Institution such as the Conservatorium which aims at giving its pupils an opportunity of acquiring