Letters Patent from the Lord Chamberlain of the Royal Household at Dresden. To the President and Council of the Conservatorium of Music at Leipzig. Whereas the Lord Chamberlain of the Royal Palace has read with much interest and satisfaction the substance of the Report, in which the Council of the Conservatorium of Music at Leipzig have set forth at length the effective results produced by their establish ment, since more than 30 years, and the general recogni tion of their labours which they have thereby achieved. The Lord Chamberlain has had much pleasure in sub mitting and reporting upon the same to His Majesty the King. His Majesty has been pleased in consequence to declare His willingness to afford the Conservatorium a further mark of His Royal favour and patronage. His Majesty, bearing in mind that the Conservatorium owes its origin to the grace of His late Majesty King Fre derick Augustus II and may be looked upon as a Royal Institution, founded upon the funds of the Blmner legacy and thus ever since its institution may be regar ded as enjoying the special patronage, first of its august founder and subsequently to his death, that of His late Majesty King John, and in recognition of the excellent manner in which the Conservatorium has been ►