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• 4 practically and theoretically musical efficiency and know ledge in all branches, indispensable to the modern musician, offers great advantages over private tuition. Through participation of several students in the same lesson industry and emulation is promoted. True musical feeling is engendered and kept alive, the best preventive of one-sidedness in education and taste against which every musician should be on his guard from his early student years. This system has the further advantage that, for a moderate consideration, practical and theo retical instruction of every kind is placed at the dis posal of the student who individually would be unable to procure it except at great expense and difficulty. The large new building, erected by the City of Leipsic for the Royal Conservatorium, is situated in the Grassistrasse, close to the New Gewandhaus. It contains a Concert-Hall seating a thousand persons, s everal smaller halls, and fifty class rooms. In the large hall are held the weekly Public Practice Evenings as well as the Annual Examinations. In one of the smaller halls a stage for practice is erected. The Institution possesses three organs, the largest of which is in the Concert-Hall. The building is fitted throughout with electric lights and good ventilating arrangements. Leipzig, 1905. The Council of the Royal Conservatorium of Music. ► 4 io