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MB, OTTOOTmre PUJBLSCATI'OHS. j 2 SIR ASTLEY COOPER, BART., F.R.S. A TREATISE OX DISLOCATIONS AND FKAC- TURES OF THE JOINTS. Edited by BRANSBY B. COOPER, F.R.S. 8vo. cloth, 20s. Sir Astley Cooper left very considerable additions in MS. for the ex press purpose of being introduced into this Edition. “ The present will be found a much more convenient edition of this invaluable work than its predecessors. Although new matter and new illustrations have ! been added, the price has been reduced from two guineas to twenty shillings, j After the fiat of the profession, it would be absurd in us to eulogize Sir Astley I Cooper’s work on Fractures and Dislocations. It is a national one, and will pro bably subsist as long as English surgery.”—Medico-Chirnrgical Review. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ; OBSERVATIONS ON THE STRUCTURE AND DISEASES OF THE TESTIS. Illustrated with Twenty-four highly finished coloured Plates. Second Edition. Royal 4to. cloth. Reduced from 3l. 3s. to 11. 10s. “ The republication of this splendid volume supplies a want that has been very j severely felt from the exhaustion of the first edition of it.... The extraordinary merits of this treatise have been so long and so universally acknowledged, that it would be a work of supererogation to represent them in our pages. The practical surgeon who is not master of its contents, cannot be fully aware of the imperfection of his own knowledge on the subject of diseases of the testicle.”—British and Foreign Medical Review. MR. FERGUSSON, F.R.S.E. PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN KING’S COLLEGE, LONDON. A SYSTEM 0E PRACTICAL SURGERY; with Two Hundred and Forty-six Illustrations. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 1 '2s. 6d. “ Professor Fergusson’s work, we feel persuaded, will be as great a favourite as it deserves, for it combines the powerful recommendations of cheapness and ele gance with a clear, sound, and practical treatment of every subject in surgical science. The illustrations, by Bagg, are admirable—in his very best style.”— Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science. MR. FOWNES, PH. D. A MANUAL 0E CHEMISTRY; with numerous Illus- ' trations on Wood. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 12s. 6d. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE ACTONIAN PRIZE ESSAY OF 100 GUINEAS, AWARDED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. CHEMISTRY; AS EXEMPLIFYING THE WISDOM AND BENEFICENCE OF GOD. Post 8vo. cloth, 6s.