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3 MS, CEOTOTUX'S PUBLICATIONS. DR. WILLIAMS, F.R.S. PROFESSOR OP THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINE ; comprehending General Pathology and Therapeutics. Demy 8vo. cloth, 12s. “The entire work is one of no ordinary ability, and well sustains the reputation of the author.”—Provincial Medical Journal. “ We have no hesitation in asserting:, that the reader will derive greater plea sure, and more useful practical knowledge, from this book, than from any other treatise on the subject, that we arc acquainted with. Dr. Williams has already earned for himself a lasting fame, by his work on Diseases of the Chest; and that must, if possible, be increased still more by his “ Principles of Medicine.”— Dublin Medical Journal. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE PATHOLOGY AND DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES OF THE CHEST; illustrated chiefly by a Rational Exposition of their Physical Signs. Fourth Edition, with much important new matter. Plates. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. “ The fact that a fourth edition is called for is a very good argument in favour of any book. Hut this was not necessary in the case of Dr. Williams; it was well known to the profession as one of the best manuals of diseases of the chest we possess.”—Dublin Medical Journal. MR. ERASMUS WILSON. DISEASES 0E THE SKIN; a Practical anil Theoretical Treatise on the DIAGNOSIS, PATHOLOGY, and TREATMENT of CUTANEOUS DISEASES, arranged according to a Natural System of Classification, and preceded by an Outline of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. “ Wc have now reached the conclusion of the volume, and our perusal has been both agreeable and instructive. The book is not written for a day, but for an age, the style is good and precise, the language well selected, and the information which it contains, genuine and copious. We think it adapted to cast a new light on the pathology and treatment of diseases on the skin, and to form an admirable guide to the medical practitioner, to whom and to the student we warmly recommend it.” —Dr. Johnson's Review. ^ BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE ANATOMIST’S VADE-MECUM; A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. "With One Hundred and Sixty-eight Illustrations on Wood. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 12s. (hi. “As a satisfactory proof that the praise we bestowed on the first edition of this work was not unmerited, we may observe it has been equally well thought of in foreign countries, having been reprinted in the United States and in Germany. In every respect, this work, as an anatomical guide for the student and the prac titioner, merits our warmest and most decided praise.”—Medical Gazette. “ This is probably the prettiest medical book ever published, and we believe its intrinsic merits are in keeping with its exterior advantages, having examined it sufficiently to satisfy us that it may be recommended to the student as no less distinguished hv its accuracy and clearness of description than by its typographi cal elegance. The wood-cuts are exquisite.”—British and Foreign Medical Review. Ixindon: Printed by W. Blanchard and Sons, Warwick Lane, St. Paul’s.