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DR. HENNEN, F.R.S. PRINCIPLES OE MILITARY SURGERY; comprising Observations on the Arrangement, Police, and Practice of Hospitals; and on the History, Treatment, and Anomalies of Variola and Syphilis. Illustrated with Cases and Dissections. Third Edition, with Life of the Author, by his Son, Dr. JOHN HENNEN. 8vo. boards, lb's. MR. LAWRENCE, F.R.S. A TREATISE ON RUPTURES. The Fifth Edition, considerably enlarged. 8vo. cloth, lb’s. “The peculiar advantage of the treatise of Mr. Lawrence is, that he explains his views on the anatomy of hernia and the different varieties of the disease in a manner which renders his book peculiarly useful to the student. It must he superfluous to express our opinion of its value to the surgical practitioner. As a treatise on hernia, presenting a complete view of the literature of the subject, it stands in the first rank."—Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. MR. LISTON, F.R.S. PRACTICAL OR OPERATIVE SURGERY. The Third Edition. 8vo. cloth, 22s. Extract from Preface. “ A third edition having been called for, the letter-press has been revised and corrected with care; extensive additions have been made, and a great many new wood-engravings added. These improvements, it is hoped, may render the work more useful to surgical pupils, and better entitled to the patronage of the profession at large.” DR. HUNTER LANE, F.L.S., F.S.S.A. A COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDIC A AND PHARMACY; adapted to the London Pharmacopoeia, embodying all the New French, American, and Indian Medicines; and also com prising a Summary of Practical Toxicology. One neat pocket volume, cloth, 5s. “ Dr. Lane’s volume is on the same general plan as I)r. Thompson’s long known I Conspectus; but it is much fuller in its details, more especially in the chemical department. It seems carefully compiled, is well suited for its purpose, and cannot fail to be useful.”—British and Foreign Medical Review. DR. LEE, F.R.S. CLINICAL MIDWIFERY; with the Histories of Four Hundred Cases of Difficult Labour. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4s. Gd. “ The following Reports comprise the most important practical details of all the cases of difficult parturition which have come under my observation during the last fifteen years, and of which I have preserved written histories. They have now been collected and arranged for publication, in the hope that they may be found to illustrate, confirm, or correct the rules laid down by systematic writers, for the treatment of difficult labours, and supply that course of clinical instruction in midwifery, the want of which has been so often experienced by practitioners at the commencement of their career.”—From Preface.