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X CONTENTS. l'AGK Extraordinary Way of pulling Camels into the Boats—A Spy from Tokar—Adventures of Levi the Merchant—Firing at Night—Return of Levi—Messenger comes in from Berber ... 209 » CHAPTER XIII. BATTLE OF EL-TEB. Departure of my Husband—Colonel Iskander Bey left in Command En route to Trinkitat—Arrival there—The Camp—-Fortifications —Proposed Order of March—Forts on Other Side of Morass— Arrival of Bashi-Bazouks without Arms—Troops all cross to the Fort—Mr. Watkins joins my Husband’s Staff—Night before Battle—Early Morning March—Composition of Force—Orders for Formation in Case of Attack—Reasons for the Above— First Gun fired—Signs of the Enemy—Their Cavalry tried to turn our Flank—Major Giles’s Cavalry sent to charge them— Skirmishers begin to fire—Sudden Appearance of Enemy —Squares rapidly formed—Sunheit Battalion not obeying Orders—One Side left open—Scare of Gendarmerie—Tremen dous Rate of Firing—Cover themselves with Smoke, and then bolt—General Sartorius tries to reform them—Useless—Narrow Escape of General Baker—General Sartorius forms Turkish Battalion—Complete Break-up of Egyptian Soldiers—In their Rout carry away with them Bezingers and Massowah Men —Gallant Behaviour of Colonel Kamal Bey—Last seen of Captain Walker, Colonel Morice Bey, and Dr. Leslie—Gallant Conduct of Mr. Scudamore, Times Correspondent—Re-em barkation of Troops—Our Losses—Review of Battle ... ... 224 CHAPTER XIV. DEPARTURE FROM SUAKIM. Arrival of Banger from Trinkitat—Captain Goodall brings News of my Husband’s Safety—Names of English Officers killed—Dis embarkation of Troops—Soudanese Women mourning their Husbands—English Sailors manning Forts—Captain of the Tor and his Condenser—Sir William Hewett appointed Governor- General—Mr. Brewster Sub-Governor—Fall of Sinkat — Massacre of Garrison—Biography of Tewfik Bey from Home News—We embark on board Negilah—Regrets at leaving Suakim—Arrival at Jedda—Eve’s Tomb—Arabs’ Superstition about Adam—Description of Town—Re-emhark and Arrival at Suez—Cairo again—Abolition of Gendarmerie by Mr. Clifford Lloyd—Recollections of Ministers and others we met in Cairo 244