CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. VOYAGE OUT. My Step-daughter and myself start from England—Passengers on Board—Algiers—Ritualistic and Low Church Controversy— Malta—Its Churches—Governor’s Palace—Divers—-News of Disaster—Port Said—News from my Husband—Taken off by the Gendarmes—Cafd Chantant—Post-boat in Canal—Ismailia— Anecdote of Late Khedive’s A.-D.-C.—Marks of British Occupa tion—Lines of Tel-el-Kebir—The Egyptians ploughing—Drawing Water—Zagazig—Its Manufactures and Station—First View of Cairo—Meet my Husband CHAPTER II. CAIRO. Egyptian Watchmen—Our House—Shoobra Road—Catholic Convent —Celebrated Gardens of Cicolani—Fashionable Drive—The Khedive—Sir Evelyn Baring—A Visit to General Baker— Shepheard’s Hotel—General Baker’s Diabeah—Party to the Pyramids—The Howling Dervishes—Superstitions of the Egyp tians—Coptic Church—Egyptian Flies—Citadel—Donkey-boys —View of Cairo and the Surrounding Country from the Citadel —Houses of Egyptian Fellahs—Boulak Museum—Discovery of Pharaoh of the Bible—Cairo Dogs—Turkish Gendarmerie refuse to go to the Soudan—Parade before the Khedive—Extraordinary Scenes at the Station on Departure of Troops—Qur Servants -—My Husband has an Audience with the Khedive—Visit to the Vice-Queen—The Esbekiah Restaurant—Train goes off without us—The Wooden Army—Mr. Clifford Lloyd’s Idea of the Hope lessness of Anybody coming back safe—Our Departure—The Bitter Lakes—The Egyptian Postal Steamer Zagazig