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October 30, 1885. ] TRE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS. 703 description of the magnificient scenery of this remarkable valley. The subject of paper negatives has had the attention of members, several of whom contributed specimens of their experiments in this direction. The lantern has had rather less than the usual amount of attention, but has been duly appreciated whenever used. Undoubtedly the most important event of the session has been the organization of monthly meetings specially devoted to the lantern and appliances connected therewith, and the formation of a special committee for arrangin r the necessary details. During the summer recess the usual number of out door meetings have been held, which, we are pleased to record, have been more than usually successful. Last, though by no means least, your Council congratulate you on the Society’s removal to more commodious premises.” The Treasurer’s report and balance sheet was placed before the members, and the accounts passed. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Society : —W. Lancaster, S. Okell, S. Moorhouse, R. B. Wilson, J. C. Milner, and A. Day. The election of officers for the current year was then proceeded with, resulting as follows President—A. Coventry. Vice-Presidents—Dr. C. P. Bahin, S. D. McKellen, Abel Heywood, jun., J. S. Pollitt, and John Schofield. Council—A. Brothers, F.R.A.S., Canon Beechey, M.A., W. Broughton, Thomas Chilton, J. F. Chapman, S. F. Flower, John Dale, L. E. Morgan, Otto Muth, and W. Wright. Hon. Treasurer—W. G. Coote. Hon. Secretary—W. I. Chadwick, Prince's Bridge Ironworks, Manchester. Lantern Committee — W. I. Chadwick (Chairman), John Schofield, W. Watts, Otto Muth, J. R. Greatorex (Secretary). The first meeting of the lantern section will take place at the Memorial Hall on Wednesday, October 28th, when the chair will be taken by Mr. W. I. Chadwick. Hyde Amateur PAOTOGRAPHIC Society. The above Society held its annual meeting on Wednesday even ing, the 21st inst., which was well attended. The Secretary’s report was read, and showed th it a very successful and interesting session had passed, and the fact that eight new members were elected at the meeting gave good hopes of a still more successful session to come. The Society held its first meeting on the 12th of November, 1884, when eight members were enrolled ; since that time the Society has continued to flourish, and now numbers twenty- seven members. The views taken by members during the season have been very numerous, and it is expected that some good results will be shown at the Society’s Soiree to be held shortly in the Mechanics’ Institution. The principal business of the evening was the election of new officers, and the following were elected for the season 1885-6:- President—F. W. Cheetham. Vice-President—Dr. G. W. Sidebotham. Treasurer—George Batty. Secretary—John Pennington, Great Norbury Strezt, Hyde. Committee—Messrs. J. T. Cartwright, John Chorton, Edward McClean, and Herbert Stafford. Short addresses were delivered by the newly-elected officers, and the usual votes of thanks closed the meeting. The Bury Photographic and Arts Club. The annual meeting of the above Club was held at the Temper ance Hall, on Thursday, October 22nd, Alexander Taylor in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting having been approved, and the roll of the members read, the following officers were elected: — President—W. S. Barlow (this being his second year of office). Vice-Presidents — Alexander Taylor and 11. Dearden. Council—J. Shaw, W. Booth, E. W. Mellor, R. Grundy, and . Cooper. Treasurer—John Nelson. Auditors — R. Grundy and Mr. Co penshaw. Honorary ,Secra tary— F. W. Livesey. The accounts having been read and confirmed, the various oinmittees were then appointed for carrying out the forth coming Exhibition, which it is intended to hold the first week in December, Amateur PIOTOGRAPHIO Association. The adjourned annual meeting of the Council of this Society was held October 19th, at 25, Old Bond Street, James GLAISMER, F.R.S., in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and con firmed, the following members were elected:—The Viscountess Milton, Sir William Anderson, K.C.B., L. Ashburner, and Alfred Deed. The Council having decided that a medal shall be given in future, together with and in addition to each prize awarded, the Secretary submitted Mr. Bassano’s design for the same, which was approved by the meeting; and as the jubilee year of Her Majesty’s reign falls next year, Mr. Bassano requested that he might be allowed to present to the recipient of the first prize a gold medal, and his offer was accepted by the Council. The Secretary then laid before the meeting the pictures for the current year, and Mr. GLAISHER submitted his report, of which the following is an abstract:— The contributions for this year, though not quite so numerous as last year, comprise no less than 164 pictures in the first class, many of which are of special interest ; class 2 contains 120 pic tures ; class 3 contains 127 pictures ; the remainder of the pic tures are comprised in classes 4, 5, and 6. Amongst the pictures some merit especial notice. “ A flock of Birds,” by Mr. Schwabe, is, perhaps, the most remarkable picture ever sent to the Society ; Professor Butler’s Alpine pictures are perfect gems ; and Mrs. Hobson, a new member, has at once taken the first rank. Mr. Murray, always good, and this year as good as ever, seems, however, to make no advance ; his old dry process must give way to the more sensitive gelatine plates. A noticeable fact is the large number of first class pictures that have been contributed by members of the Council, those by Lord ile Ros, Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Hobson being especially worthy of notice. The following prizes were awarded:— 1st prize, R. Leventhorpe, a silver medal and silver goblet (121, 130, 131, and 137) ; 2nd prize, Professor Butler, M.A., a bronze medal and silver goblet (2, 5, and A) ; the Right Hon. the Lord de Ros, a bronze medal and silver goblet (1, 3, and 9) ; Mrs. Hobson, a bronze medal and an elegant photographic stand in the form of a fan (9, 11, 15, and 22) ; R. 0. Milne, a bronze medal and an elegant cabinet album (7 and 14) ; W. Muller, a bronze medal and an etch ing after Munkacsy’s celebrated picture entitled • Les deux Families ” (4, 5, and 9a) ; W. S. Hobson, a bronze medal (313, 316, and 318) ; J. E. Dumont, a bronze medal and silver goblet (168, 195, and 196) ; F. S. Schwabe, a bronze medal and a pierced metal photograph frame (1, 5a, and 10) ; A. Tagliafeiro, a bronze medal and cabinet album (1, la, and 7) ; the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosse (a bronze medal and silver goblet (3 and 6) ; Gen. Sladen, a bronze medal and photographic album (3 and 4) ; the Right Hon Viscount Emlyn, a bronze medal and a pierced metal photographic frame (064) ; J. G. Brook, a bronze medal and etching from Munkacsy’s celebrated picture “Avant la Fete du Papa ” (3, 4, and 6) ; H. R. Moiser, a bronze medal and a photo gravure from James Webb’s picture entitled “ Good Luck ” (2, 4, and 5). Certificates of honourable mention were awarded to Charles Stephens, H. E. White, P. H. Emerson, Col. Nicholl, R. Murray, Arthur Hill, S. Norman, T. Brownrigg, and Col. Biggs. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Glaisher for the time and attention he had devoted to the examination and classifica tion of the pictures. The prize pictures and the prizes awarded for the same are now on view at the offices of the Association, and may be seen by the members, and their friends upon presentation of a member’s card. Postal Photographic Society. A committee meeting of the above Society was held at the Hon. Secretary’s address, 4, Middle Temple Lane, E.C., on the 26th inst. After the preliminary business had been disposed of, the follow ing candidates were duly elected:—H. D. Taylor, Wm.-a- Beckett Turner, Miss A. Dryden, Ernest. Clover, anl Win. Stewart. The voting-in albums, having recently finished their rounds, were examined, and, in album 23, the Rev. H. Ash was found to be entitled to the 1st prize, and J. C. Cohen to the 2nd. In album 24, G. Bankart took the 1st, and W. Gaddum the 2nd prize. The same result was seen in album 26, Mr. Bankart being 1st, and Mr. Gaddum 2nd.