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Rafael Frühbeck DE BURGOS ^Ä)/MÄ3L imnftft. gSÄJBM m^E!BMSai8Ä$¥IS. T1962^M1978^ff®i£JJB^ < g SSffllgff. IW. aei£B*$££näJSffl^OW£ ffljfcOI. ÄH. M*. S*. lib*K ftkaSKüfl. Ä HWÄdbıfeZ^W®J/lUl. Ä1991^M1996^. , 1992/93</^^S1997^fftt^® BSWJK£*Älfi. 1994/95iWtB^M2000^10^ffffi#r»XD^/^ffltJStöSo 2001^, »»«*81^5^ 2003/20041fflfttUSSMff. g2004/2005)1 tH?£. ßWStt^S^ÄWföiSÖ^iL ffettff)O7i00»gtt. W^Dg^ßScÄ^Ä*^. tbin•. DfcftWfl^Or”. M a«K“^lÖ”. Ifemm«'. hb^'W«; 3«W^£»rtt “££W. “JS3t”. “Ä^BW. “PJ^^-WfilJÄ^ft”. “&W±*§ft”. 2007*f»f^#££iS^|ft. WX“AW6<)Ät” o 2008^2^Of»ÄT 1994^. 1996^. ÄÜllWS®. wa«ffextıfe^ö<)ffiM. lib^b. I997*f. Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos was born in Burgos, Spain in 1933. He studied violin, piano and composition at the Bilbao and Madrid Conservatories and continued his studies at the Munich Hochschule für Musik (conducting with K. Eichhorn and G.E. Lessing and composition with Hindemith Scholar H. Genzmer). After serving in his first career post as Principal Conductor of the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, he was named Principal Conductor of the Spanish National Orchestra Madrid, conducting the orchestra from 1962 to 1978. He was General Music Director of the City of Düsseldorf and Principal Conductor of both