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i i | i 5 i 'i Manuel de Falla: Interludium und Tanz Nr. 1 aus „La vida breve“ 19043^1905 im'Bl. fte»Ä7?iÄ^feMWWE3«M «A£®g» . 191337 w&83^. SOrW7tl «A£®fi» »«SWIWAW®. ÄW@JÖ3lWWtt^^TÄÄß!cÄ^/^$«Sft @ o La vida breve (Life is Short, also: The Brief Life) is an opera in two acts and four scenes by Manuel de Falla to an original Spanish libretto by Carlos Fernändez-Shaw. The first performance was given at the Casino Municipale in Nice on April 1, 1913. The opera is unusual for having as much purely instrumental as vocal music. Its opening scene effectively portrays a typical morning in the village, with a male Chorus of anvil workers plying their trade in the local forge. Though this opera is seldom performed at present, its Intermezzo has been taken as repertoire. l'ä]WÖ Enrique Granados: Intermezzo aus „Goyescas“ SÄ.. ’’ Goyescas, subtitled Los majos enamorados (The Majos in Love), is a piano suite written in 1911 by Spanish composer Enrique Granados. This piano suite is usually considered Granados's crowning creation and was inspired by the paintings of Francisco Goya, although the piano pieces have not been authoratively associated with any particular paintings. The suite is the most famous works of Goyescas and forms part of the Standard Romantic piano repertoire. = «psm^fiWiL» i‘Bjwft 4 Geronimo Gimenez: La boda de Luis Alonso -£^WiBiä1003^1^ 1897WW7fi!c£±ft «HPt«lWU>) , Mlttffii°]7 WKMU «P? PtsjsÖWL» J Geronimo Gimenez’s musical talent was recognized and developed at an early age. His first lessons were with his father, and he began playing in the first violin section of the Teatro Principal by age of 12. Today, Gimenez’s fame as a composer rests primarily on his masterpiece, La Tempranica, the one-act musical farce El Baile de Luis Alonso, and what has been called the most famous zarzuela of all time, La boda de Luis Alonso.