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THE DRESDEN PHILHARMONIE ORCHESTRA The Orchestra was founded on 1870. First post-war concert was given on 8th June 1945. Düring 1947 Musical Director-General Professor Heinz Bongartz was appoi nted conductor of the Dresden Philharmonie. Düring Democratic 1950 and few weeks after the foundation of Republic, the Orchestra became a state Institution. the German Düring 1954 the Orchestra had his first post-war concert tour abroad to France and Roumania. Düring 1956 the Orchestra had his tour in Italy. Düring 1957 the orchestra had visited Spain, Portugal, France Switzer land and Poland. Düring 1959 the Orchestra had a six-week concert tour in China and then in Czechoslovakia. Düring November 1960 a ceremony had been held in honour of the 90th Anniversary of the Dresden Philharmonie Orchestra. From 1961 to 1963 the Orchestra visited Czechoslovakia, Yougoslavia, and Poland. On Ist September 1964 Professor Horst Forster took over the direetion of the Orchestra. k On lOth December 1964, the Orchestra was awarded the First Prize in rhe Orchestral Competition sponsored by the Confederation of Free German Trade Unions. Düring 1966 the Orchestra visited Bulgarin.