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MUSIC OF THE CONCERT OVERTURE, “LEONORE,” NO. 3 Beethoven T EONORE” or “Fidelio,” was Beethoven’s only Opera; when first presented in Vienna in 1805, it was a failure and was cut down to two acts and again presented in 1806, for which occasion Beethoven wrote the overture now known as “ Leonore ” No. 3. The opera was again revised and put on in 1814, and for this presentation Beethoven wrote the third Overture known as “ Fidelio.” The “ Leo nore ” No. 3 Overture is considered the greatest and is an orchestral epitome of the operatic plot. It follows the fortunes of the hero while he sings of his once happy life, his misfortunes, imprisonment and final liberation through the efforts of his wife Leonore. Throughout it is brave, pathetic, mournful, despairing and jubilant, according to the progress of the plot, and ends in a grand song of praise and jubilation. ARIA FROM “ LOUISE ” Charpentier Depuis le jour oü je me suis donnee Toute fleurie semble ma destinee Je crois rever sous un ciel de feerie, L’äme encore grisee de ton premier baiser! Quelle belle vie! Mon reve n’etait pas un reve! Ah! je suis heureuse! L’amour etend sur moi ses ailes! Au jardin de mon coeur chante une joie nouvelle Tout vibre, tout se rejouit de mon triomphe Avtour de, moi tout est sourire, Lumiere et joie! et—je tremble Delicieusement au Souvenir charmant Du premier jour d’amour! Quelle belle vie! Ah! je suis heureuse! trop heureuse Et je tremble delicieusement au Souvenir Charmant du premier jour d’amour! Since the day that I myself did give, My days seem enchanted, I seem to dream under a fairer sky, My soul intoxicated with thy first kiss! Such wondrous life! My dream was not a dream! Over me Love spreads his wings, And I am joyful!