Tom Ward Associate Conductor T OM WARD, to whose untiring zeal and persistent enterprise the music-loving public of Syracuse owes so great a debt, has been closely identified with the growth and success of the Syracuse Music Festival Association, as he has with other factors in the music culture of the city since he came here in 1886. Back in 1890 and 1891 it was under his supervision that the choruses for the festivals of those years were prepared. In 1900 it was decided to revive the Organization under the auspices of which these entertainments were given, and upon Mr. Ward much of the work of this difficult task devolved, and, the FestiVal having been deter- mined upon as a permanent fixture, he was naturally chosen associate conductor and chorus master. Previously Mr. Ward had organized the Madrigal Club, whose concerts will be recalled with pleasure. His connection with the local Festivals has been a fortunate one for the chorus and equally so for the public in the enj oy ment of the results of his painstaking and sucessful work of tratning.