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47 No. 6. PATENTLISTE DER „ELEKTROTECHNISCHEN RUNDSCHAU.“ Belgien. No. 144908. Colis. Bruxelles. 9. 9. 99. Systeme perfectionne de lampe electrique a arc et incandescence combines et apoint lumineux fixe dite: Lampe l’Epee. No 144 955. Cary. Brucllles. 13. 9. 99. Palager electrique. No. 144986. Gelly. Bruxelles. 14. 9. 99. Per- fectionnent apportes aux horloges et plus speciallement ä, des dispositifs de rtmoulage electriques d’horloges. No. 144 994. Goldstein, Broxelles. 15. 9. 99. Accu- mulateur electrique. England. Folgende englische Patentschriften sind in den Wochen vom 6. bis 29. November im Druck erschienen. 1898. No. 24855. Alcock. Apparatus for electricHly transmitting Orders or Signals suitable for use as a sbips telegraph and the like. No. 26526. Clark Curcible for casting leador like metals under pressure, especially applicable to the formation of secondary electric bathery gruds or plates. No. 26806. Thompson. Steam ar electric atter steering gear for ships. No. 27334. Justice Telephone receivers. No. 27335. Justice Telephone transmitters. No. 27 336. Justice Apparatus for use in teiephone exanges. No. 27 636. Arter Electric arc lamps. 1899. No. 2. Highfield. Apparalus for connecting electric mains. No. 44. Harfield. Apparatus for electricially Con trolling engines, electro-motors and other maehinery. No. 356. Gans. Manufacture incandescent materials and lamps suctable for electric lighting. No. 485. Paul. Telegraphie relays. No. 962 Crudgington. Electric arc lamps. No. 1697. Thompson. Electrical apparatus for operating mechanism at a distance. No. 1841. Tweedy. Collectors ar trolleys for elec tric tramways and the like. 1941. Hirst & Murphy. Electric incandescence lamp pendants ar brackets. No. 2074. Eschwei. Electric arc lamp. No. 7144. Schultz. Electric apparatus for auto- matically regulating the physical conditions such aslacat pressure, hygrometrix state, and denschy of gases and liquids. No. 15 210. Chaguaud Electric avec lamps. No. 16 993. Wolley, Magneto electric telegraphs. No. 17 507. Peeny, Electric lamps with illuminating bodies made of second dass conductors. No. 17 707. Feeny, Electric incandescent lamps. No. 19 846. Thomas, Conduct terminal and junction box for electric wires. No. 20 290. Timar, Appliance for importing elec- trici ly and heat to the body. No. 21232. Jacobson, Ear trumpeis, applicable also to teiephone receivers and the like. No. 21 413. Sachs, Safety fuses for electric circuils. No. 21 807. Casper & Peirce. Electric massage instruments. Frankreich. No. 290 896. 17. 7. 99. Weinmar. Paris Systeme de mise en circuit pour compteur de Commu nications telephonique. No. 290 900. 17. 8. 99. Gill. Paris Perfectionne- ments aux dispontifs actionnes par une piece- de monaie, pour engistrer le appels faits dans un Systeme telephonique. No. 290884. 17. 7. 99. Andreas. Paris. Procede de fabrication d’accumulateurs au plerul. No. 230 913, 18. 7. 99. Placet. Paris Perfeetionne- ments aux accummulateurs electriques, No. 290 949. 18. 7. 99. Heebuer. Paris Perfecti- onnements apportds aux accumulateurs elec triques. No. 290954. 18 7. 99. Tiefentbal jr. Paris Pro cede et appareil pour l’estempage de plaque d’electrodes perfurees. No. 26i623. 12. 7. 99. v. Siemens. Paris Cert. d’add. au bievet pris le 3. III. 17 pour un nouveau procede pour obtenir un champs tourment electromagnetique. No. 285083. 17. 7. 99. Boucherodt Cie. Paris Cert. d’add. au brevet pris le 18. I. 99 pour procede d’excitation des machines a courants alternatifs. No. 287 079. 17. 7. 99. Boucherot Cie., Paris. Cert. d’add. au brevet pris le 21. III. 99. pour un machine aujuctione ä courants alternatifs.