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perfect Mians knew nothing of the quicksilver contained in iossible. - ie cinnabar, but worked the mines for the purpose >und as f obtaining the red paint. Some of these Indians 3. We jainted with vermillion, Castillero met, in 1845,near ich are bodega, and from them learning of the mine, regis- le com- erei l and took possession of it. However, owing to a ive the ie ^ ec t in the proceedings, Castillero was ousted of his 3 made by subsequent legal action, and the mines passed is cata- '^ e hands of a company known as the “ Quicksilver just Mining Company,” by whom it is now held and tvorked. The Guadalupe Mine Is also a quicksilver mine, situated about four miles north-west of New Almaden, and is owned by the “ Santa Clara Mining Association ” of Baltimore. It contains many rich lodes, but at such a depth that their present machinery is not available for the pur pose of keeping out the water. A bridle path passing through a wild and picturesque region, by the “ En- riquita” mines, the property of the Almaden Com pany, but not now worked, connects the Guadalupe with the New Almaden. This region abounds in game, and the streams are full of trout. The stage leaves here daily, for San Jose, at seven o’clock a.m., returning in the afternoon. re lel, we inhale he hill , as it ments’ 3 view Santa hards, n Jose f San ture. n the , near mines ,’orkl, at a they Vlexi- t the Los Gatos, Is distant from San Jose about ten miles to the south west. It is situated on the direct road to Santa Cruz,