20 HARE'S GUIDE TO trees is truly wonderful. The deciduous which are so very highly appreciated in the Eastern States, are continually falling by the axe of the horticulturist to make room for rare varieties of evergreens. This lordly estate is dotted here and there with artistic works of statuary, standing, seemingly, to guard the enchanting scene from the touch of the spoiler. The premises so far described are dedicated to the pleasure of man, not profit, the latter being derived from the culture of the grape, and the manufacture of wines and brandies. The vineyard comprises one hundred and fifty varieties of grapes, among which are the Peneau, the Riesling, from which Johannis wine is made, and La Falle Blanche, the only grape from which cognac brandy is produced. The development of the extraordinary flavor and delicacy of the wines and brandies produced here is truly wonderful. The wine house, with a capacity of one hundred thousand gallons, for completeness and convenience, with all the improvements of the present times, is un surpassed in this or any other country. The county and country generally are much indebted to Gen. Naglee for his experiments here made. He has shown to the woi-ld the value of this soil to be infinitely beyond expectation for the successful production of first-class wines and brandies. It was no inviting task to risk so much in a pecuniary way to attest a doubtful and somewhat hazardous experiment. Gen. Naglee is a man of great wealth, much of which