( 191 ) CHAPTER XL ZEREBAS. General Baker returns from Massowah—Complaints of Abyssinian Government—Ras-ul-Riah, the Head of the Bandits—Route from Massowah to Khartoum—Its Advan tages for an Advancing Army—Escort of Egyptian Soldiers practising “ Howling Dervishes ”—Hand-charges—Cricket- match and Sports—Attack by the Enemy—General Baker goes to examine Trinkitat—Making a Zereba—No Troops coming—Arab Tribes—Zkbehr Pasha’s Men at last— Colonel Fred. Burnaby—General Baker’s Reconnaissance— False Reports of Defeat—My Husband marches out—Meets General Baker—The Cadi deserts to the Enemy, leaving a Letter behind—Dinner to my Husband at Foreign Officers’ Mess—Chorus by Italians—Dance by Albanians— Our Camels stolen—Coral Reefs—My Husband is attacked in Zereba—Egyptian Soldiers object to stopping out all Night—Behaviour of Doctor of the Turkish Battalion— The Enchanted Camel. GtenjEral Baker came back on the 5th of January from Massowah, and has brought very favour able impressions from there. He appears to think that the troubles between the Abyssinians and the Egyptians could easily be settled if the English Grovernment would only send a commissioner. For the principal complaints made are about the debat able land of Bogos, which Ismail Pasha claims to