( 123 ) I CHAPTER VIII. LIFE AT SUAKIM. Appointed Mess-peesident — Camel Meat — Difficulties of Bazaae Account—The Lines of Defence at Suakim—The Water Supply—Camels like Saline Water best—The Bashi-Bazouks refuse to Drill—Attempt at Mutiny— The Persuasive Koorbash—Everybody Satisfied except the Governor of Suakim—Suakim Donkeys—Under Fire— A Country Eide—Magnificent Sunsets—Cook-shops— Under Fire again—Ismail from Madam e( Tussaud’s— Zebehr Pasha’s Nephew—Prisons and Prisoners in Suakim —Provisions scarce—My Husband proposes to march out TO RELIEVE SlNKAT—PLAN OF SORTIE—GENERAL Baker’s Consent necessary—Inspection of Troops—Quality of Soldiers—Major Giles and the Enemy’s Spies—Sharks in Harbour — Heroic Conduct of Krooman—Arrival of Eurtalus with Admiral Hewett — General Aspect of Affairs—Mahmoud Aly fails to relieve Sinkat—Number killed in Major Cassim’s Fight—Behaviour of Old Soldiers of Suakim Garrison—Complaints about a Mosque being used for Stores—Mr. Brewster appointed Chief of the Commissariat—Arrival of a Spy from Sinkat—His Ad ventures—Social Customs of Arabs—Threat of Attack— Osman Digma’s House at Suakim Embroidered Mat and Camel’s Ornaments—Inner Fortified Lines—Arrival of Mahallah with European Police—Tea on Board the Hanger. This morning, the 10th of December, I proposed to Mr. Wylde to look after the house for him, as he always had his house full, and I have nothing to