CONTENTS. Vll CHAPTER VI. VOYAGE TO SUAKIM. Composition of Force going to Suakim—The 1st Brigade—The 2nd Brigade—Zebehr Pasha, commanding the 2nd Brigade, not per mitted to come—Colonel Harington starts with 1st Detachment —Occupation of Soldiers on Board—Officers useless—Character istics of the Fellah Soldiers—Their Superstitions and Powers of Endurance—Their Prayers—Teaching them Signalling—The Bashi-Bazouks—Their Music and Dancing—Their Dross—Our Pilot—Arrival at Suakim—Captain DarvveE’s Bad News—Mr. Wylde, our Host, and his House—His Servants—Principal European Inhabitants—Complaints against the Bashi-Bazouks —Visit to Suleiman Pasha—The False Rumours he brings— Untrustworthiness of our Spies—The English Officers ... fagk 85 CHAPTER VII. SUAKIM. Difficulty of getting Information from the Officials—No Cattle, no Forage—Mr. Brewster despatches his Spies to Tolcar and Sinlcat —Suakim and Environs as seen from Roof of our House—Coral Houses—Pretty Windows—The Bazaar—Houses buEt Comer- wise—Our Washerwoman—Female Water-carriers; their Orna ments; their UgEness—The Causeway and its Defences— Shenowi Bey’s House—Mainland Bazaar—Shock-haired Arabs —Mode of dressing Hair—Interviewing Spies—Sinkat— Attempts to relieve it, and the Garrison there 98 CHAPTER VIII. LIFE AT SUAKIM. / Appointed Mess-President—Camel Meat—Difficulties of Bazaar Ac count—The Lines of Defence at Suakim—The Water Supply— Camels Eke Saline Water best—The Bashi-Bazouks refuse to Drill —Attempt at Mutiny—The Persuasive Koorbash—Everybody Satisfied except the Governor of Suakim—Suakim Donkeys— Under Fire—A Country Ride—Magnificent Sunsets—Cook-shops —Under Fire again—Ismail from Madame Tussaud’s—Zebehr Pasha’s Nephew—Prisons and Prisoners in Suakim—Provisions scarce—My Husband proposes to march out to reheve Sinkat—