POST-SCRIPT TO THE INTRODUCTION. December 23, 1825. The last Numbers of the British and Westminster Reviews induce me to subjoin a Post-script to the preceding Intro duction, comprising all that I deem most material to ob serve, in acknowledgment of the criticisms contained in those two Journals. The author of the strictures conveyed in the latter Jour nal, comes forward in aid of the British Critic, and in thirty-eight pages of corresponding invective, designed to shew how unworthy of his notice he considers the Compa rative Estimate, formally impeaches its author of “folly, “ falsehood, wickedness, Inquisitorial persecution, &;c. &>c. and, after professing a hearty hatred of canting, ends with an exhortation, “ to recollect that Charity which con- “ demneth not.” The Comparative Estimate, has preferred no graver charge than inadequate and remiss inquiry, and precipitate and unsupported speculation, naturally produc tive of essential error; the direct tendency of which error, indeed, and the mode of its operation, it exposes without compromise, and without reserve : this salutary exposure and caution, the preacher of Charity designates, a “ ca- “ lumny charging a whole body of men with Deism, “ Atheism, he does not know what to call it.” vol. i. e