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3. 1 am of course aware, that the backwardness from engaging in this pursuit, has, in many instances, proceeded from a fear that the connexion might not be found practicable ; and from a further fear, of the consequence that might result from a demonstration of its impractica bility ; and, in the ages of defective physical knowledge which are past, such fear had a ground in reason, and might therefore claim a character of prudence. During those ages, therefore, faith found its firm ground in moral evidences only. But, that is no longer the case with us, at the present day. In corroboration of those moral evi dences, a “ cloud of physical witnesses ” — vsPog uagrugov, has recently and almost suddenly burst upon the world. In the unfolding plans of that Providence which watches over and directs the course of intellectual light within the pale of Revelation, we have now reached a term, which takes from that fear all its quality of prudence; and leaves it no other than that which simple “fear” has long since been defined to be — “ a betraying of the succours which " reason offers 1 .” Those new succours, totally alter the quality of that fear. In truth, Physical Science has not worked more effectually to any other end, than it has been caused to work effectually, though unconsciously and unintentionally, for the discovery and manifestation of those connecting evidences which shew the God of Nature and the God of Scripture to be One and the Same; and, the age in which we are living, is that which has brought this progressively increasing light to its broad day, nay, to the point of its meridian. As, therefore, the qualities of all actions vary with their circumstances, so also does