INTRODUCTION. xii revising and preparing it for a second edition, it became necessary to dissolve and recast the whole, in order to bring it into immediate relation and contact with each of those several publications. In the progress of that operation, I found it expedient to develope more ex tensively many particular passages of my argument, and to subjoin to the work some dissertatory Notes ; by which various modes of augmentation, notwithstanding the cur tailment of several redundancies, the treatise has unavoid ably grown from one into two volumes. I am very far from regretting this circumstance; it has enabled me to form a more secure judgment of the quality of the argument which I at first undertook to maintain, and it has rendered less intricate the course which I have now to pursue in order to demonstrate and establish its solidity. I have found no cause whatever, for mistrusting the line of reasoning which I employed in the first instance; and I am now to shew, that it is in no manner impaired by any thing which has been brought forward in any of those later works, but that, on the con trary, it. derives the strongest and most effectual collateral support from all and each of them. This will be made thoroughly to appear, in the progress of the subject; either by extensions of the text, or by marginal notes, according as the particular occasion may be found to require. With respect to the Notes annexed to each volume, in the form of an Appendix :—To the First Volume are sub joined ; Note I. On the Mosaic Dai/s of Creation. II. On the Jubilean Chronology of Frank. Hl. On M. Humboldt’s Theory of Rocks.