iZY "?o drop 3. stone pipe ok an^ sort, dut in particular ok tins t^pe, vas ver^ unkortunate, and dad luclc or illness vas snre to kodov. r^s in tds case ok tds mortars, tds Ldasta dsld tire pipes as capadls ok independent rnotion, dut tdis dedek vas not deld tire Naidu. Lmall soapstone vessels (d'i^. iv) vers vsr^ sparin^l^ in nss, cdiskl^, it vould seern, amonA tds Nortdeastsrn Naidu. L^lindrical deads ok stone vers nssd, usually in tlre korrn ok necklaces. Ulisse deads vers eitdsr vdite or a vsllovisd pink, and vers krorn tvo to kivs centirnetres in lenZtd, and one centimetre in diameter. Idess stone deads vsre deld in Zreat esteem, and vers amonZ tlre most valnadle ok all tlre deads in nss. It seems, tde^ vere odtained, as a rnls, in a kinisded state, in trade vitd tds Ndntun. Ldamans vors pendant krom tlre need odsidian knives, vdicd vers regarded as ok Zreat valns and mysterious pover (di^. ii, a). Ide vell-made stone od^ect sdovn in di^. 11, b, vas vorn suspended krom tds need as a cdarm or luckv stone, and vas cdiekl^ nssd in tds AamdlinA-Aamss, deinZ stuck point dovn in tlre Around dekore tds placer. k^ork rrr Ikood, Loire, and L/red.—'Witd tds exception ok tdeir excellent dovs and arrovs and tdsir ver^ crude duZ-out canoes, tds Naidu mads little, ik anv, use ok vood kor imple-