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eacd sued' unit dad its leader or dead, dnown as du'du (du'udu?). Uis junctions were to so ins extent judicial, ns lie was expected to settle nil sued disputes as could not de settled in older wa^s. Uis power as a sdarnan to cause disease and deatd to single individuals or wdole villaAss was xreat, and exceeded tdat ok an^ ordinary sdarnan. d'O incur dis displeasure was ^reatlv feared, I2acd local section or drancd ok tds society dad in its possession a sacred object, wdicd was always lcept dv tds rnernder wl>o was in tds position ok leader or du'udu. d'dis oddest was a sort ok waistcoat or cape, made ok keatders, sdells, and pieces ok stone (odsidian?), and dad in tlis centre a srnall rnortar ok stone, ddess sacred objects were dnown as lo'niiniuserntsi, and it was certain deatli kor anv one except tlie leader to toucli tliern. ^Vden not in use, tlie leader's cape was lcept, dv liirn in a tule inat or da^ secreted in sorns secure spot kar awa^ krona tlie village. 2Vt tlie deatli ok its deeper, it was always duried or durned witli liirn. Ik, as was sornetirnes tlie case, tlie leader was deposed krorn liis position kor kailure to act as was tdouZdt ri^dt, Ke was still allowed to keep tliis caps, as no one else would dare to toucli it. d'lie leader was elected or cliosen krorn arnonZ tlie rnerndsrs ok tlie local society, tlie rnost noted sliarnan deinZ; always tlie leader in tlie cerernonv. "soup" or least would de called, and to it all insindsrs would corns, d'lie^ rni§dt not dnow tlaat tliis was tlis occasion ok tlis election ok a new leader; dut tlie sliarnan would davs dreLined tliat it was tirns kor tlis installation ok a new one, and tlie "soup" would de called really witli tliis end in view, ^.ll davinZ; asserndlsd, sorns trilling rnatters would de discussed till all kell asleep; tlis rneetinA deinx lield, ok course, in tlis dancs-liouss. lVden all were asleep, tlie sliarnan would §o krorn one to tlie older, and place on tire korelisad ok eacli rnernlier a wliits stripe. ^Vden tlie rnernders awode, ldev would lden dnow at once tliat tlis real object ok tlis rneetin§ was tlie election ok a new leader, and would de so told dzr tlis sliarnan. ^.t once ldev de§an to kast, and onlv acorn-soup and dread, dircd-ssed, and wild- oats could de eaten. ^Vden all were awade, tde sdarnan dsZan