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i D/.rs-r, Z'y ike cercmonv. It is kelt, tbat, wbsn onlv tbrec or kour da^s remain bekore ike timc set, it is almost sure to rain. ^Il baving assembled, a dav or two is passed in games and gambling. In tbe morning, tbsn, ok tbe tbird da^ or so alter tbe gatbering Kas be Ann, tbe women prepare to danee. Dbe^ wear wreatks ok grass and dowers, buncbes ok kresb green leaves, and vines. In tbeir bands tbev carrv bnncbes ok grass. Stand ing in a circle ont ok doors, tbe^ dance slowly ronnd and ronnd in contra-clock wise direction. Several otbers stand outside tbs circle as singers, and beat time witb clapper-rattles. Ibis baving continued kor some time, a man dresses in a wkole bear-skin. lie must be a person wbo bas never attended to a dead person or dug a grave. He walks on all-kours, growling, and acting as mucb as possible like a bear. ^Il tbe otber people stand about and look on, k'iA. 6? (xHOs k)- portion ok or V(/i<oIl, L8 ne INU8 ^»ple-bark-ra^el. rot-tHen8tk, zy cm. tbe village, tbe cbildren teasing bim and sbouting at bim. ^.kter a sbort time tbe man tbrows okk bis bear-skin, and anotker man puts it on. H cluck tben korms all tbe people in line, witb bimsclk at tbe bead, kol- lowed bv tbe man wearing tbs bear-skin, tbis time walking uprigbt. Ibe men kollow, rougbl^ in order ok age, and are succeeded bv tbe women and cbildren. ^Il wear bowers and garlands ok leaves and grass, and tbe cbiek and older men carrg wands ok various sorts, ^be man wearing tbs bear-skin carries