luliim do (" morning-star's trail"); tde Kleiades are called Oo'todoto (?); tailing stars are called 8a/toio ("lading or carrvin^ 6re "); tde raindow is tdou^dt to de tde urine ok Oo^ote. Kde Naidu delieve tdat tde wdole country occupied dv tdem is tdronZsd witd Mysterious powers or spirits dnown as du^dini. Kdese spirits are particularly associated witd prominent rocdv peads, craxs, or cliKs, witd rapids or water- kalls, and witd lonely mountain lades. Inders are spirits under tde eartd wdo are verv powerful; tdere are also manv in tde sd^. Kdsse deinZs are regarded as residing at de knits spots, to wdicd in particular tde sdamans §0 to xain power, dverv sdaman must dave one or more ok tdess as dis guardian spirit or spirits, and tdev aid dim in all tdat de does. He also, ok course, mav dave tde diKerent animal spirits. Kdose ok tde rocds and little lades are, dowever, vsr^ powerful. ^.t times tde sdaman calls idem to tde dance-douse; and tdev are supposed to enter dv tde smode-dole, and danZ dead down ward tderekrorn. Kdev are in appearance lide people, dut always dave tde tongue lolling; and, as tdev dan^ dead downward, tde tongue reacdes to tde ground. Kdere seems to de no verv clear delick in anv giants or dwarks. In tde koot-dills tde^ spead ok curious onc-le^ed deinxs, wdo are ratder small, and wdo were kound in or adout water. Kdev could )ump to immense distances, and always induced deep sleep in persons wdo were adle to catcd tdem or §et near tdem. In tde mountains tdere is tde Lnow Nan, apparently sometdin^ ok a ^iant and cannidal. He cannot de seen, dut tde eread ok dis snowsdoes is sometimes deard. Ns is in some wav associated witd tde Nana dv tde Naidu ok LiZ Neadows and Indian Valley. N^tdical or mysterious animals do not seem to de verv important in tde Naidu delieks. Kders is often mention ok a Atlantic dird, larger tdan an ea^d, tdat used to prev on people. It is said to dave dilled tdem witd a dlow krom its winA. Kdis mav reker to tde Lalikornia condor NisoLimLNkous HeuLrs.— Ko stop storms, keatders or wild-pepper wood are durned, or tde leaves ok various sorts ok