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208 v/k/or)'. ^Vol. XVII, Indians look place. Dksre is al present anotker varietv ok tke Mme muck inffuenced kv kootkall as placed kv ike wkites. In tkis ^amc six placers lake part. ffks two Mals are erected krorn klip lo two kun cl re cl metres apart; and ike six placers, lkree on a side, slarl witk ike Kall in lke cenlrs ketween ike Mals, and eack pariv iries io carr^ or kick iis Kall io ike opponent's Mal. d'kere is in tkis korrn ok ike Mine considerakle wrestling. Ike women kad a Mine somswkat sirnilar to tke men's kootkall, placed, Ko we ver, wiik different implements. It was placed usually kv six placers, ikouAk at times an un limited number took part. d'Ke placers kad a stick about one kundred and i went v-live centimetres lonA, wiik wkick ikev tossed eitker a buckskin rope, plaited ok several strands, and usually about tkirtv centimetres in lenZik; or a couple ok sticks, kkteen centimetres lon§ and kve in diameter, tied to tke ends ok a buckskin cord about ten centimetres in lenAtk; or a rope or bundle ok traced cottonwood-bark. Iwo Mal-posts were set up, as in tke men's kootkall Fame, and tke Mme was placed in tke same manner, tke rope or sticks kein§ tossed krom one placer to anotker kv means ok tke poles. In 8i^ Lleadows it is said also to kavs keen placed k^ kavin§ tke Zoals a kundred metres apart, two placers standing at eack Mal, and two otkers kacinA eack otker over tke rope, wkick was placed in tke centre ketween tke Mals, .^i a signal tke two struck at tke rope, and tkus started tke Mine, one or tke otker keinA successkul in tkis krst stroke; tke rope keinA tken passed on kv tke otker placers, wko tried to tkrow it over tke opponent's Mal. In tke Lacramsnto Valley tke Aame was placed witk two acorns tied toMtker k;c a string, and was placed onlv once a vear, at tke time ok tke annual kurninZ. Ike men's kootkall was also, in tkis region, placed onl)i at tkis same time, and kotk seem to kave kad somewkat more ok a ceremonial ckaracter tkan elsewkere. Otker Mmes, in wkick tke MmklinA-element did not enter ver^ larMlv, were numerous. Nen and ko^s skot at a mark made ok a piece ok kark cut out round, and set up at a distance ok kort)i metres. Ike^ also skot at a small Koop or wicket ok