All pupils, of either sex, are obliged to attend the classes 1. in theory; ladies, however, who have completed their studies in the theory of harmony, are at liberty to apply for dispensation from further theoretical study, 2. in choral singing, provided they have sufficient talent, 3. in orchestral playing for such advanced pupils as play a string or wind instrument, 4. in ensemble playing for advanced pupils. 5. in the history and aesthetics of music. The fees are payable in 3 terms, and in advance: at Easter, Michaelmas and Christmas, at the “Bureau” of the Institution. Besides this, each pupil has to pay an addi tional entrance-fee of Marks 10.—. Those pupils inten ding to study the organ are at liberty to practise on the organs of the Institution on payment of Marks —.50 (6 d 12 cents) per hour. In the winter-months (from October to Easter), Professor Nikisch takes a class on orchestral conducting, which such young musicians as are sufficiently far advanced in their musical education, are at liberty to attend. The fee for this term is Marks 120.—. § 17. Pupils have to find their own instruments, music, and books necessary for their studies; but the instruments used in the Conservatorium for the lessons are provided by the Institution. Foreigners who do not bring a pianoforte of their own can easily hire one in Leipzig.