§ 14. Towards Easter of each year Public Examinations will be held, in some of which the compositions of advanced pupils will be performed. Musical connoisseurs and critics will be invited to be present, so that the public at large may become acquainted with the results of the training at the Institution. § 15. On leaving the Institution the students receive from the Council a testimonial (§. 12. “ 9.), in which the time spent at the Conservatorium, their attention to study, the progress made, as well as their moral conduct during the time of their stay at Leipzig are faithfully stated. A fee of three Marks is charged for this certificate which contains in extenso the remarks of all the teachers. No pupil who leaves without such a testimonial, is vecognised by the Institution. § 16- The annual tuition-fee is Marks 360.—, which includes instruction 1. in one principal subject, such as: playing on the piano or organ, string- or wind-instrument, 2. in theory (theory of harmony, counterpoint, canon, fugue, form, composition), 3. in choral singing, 4. in ensemble and orchestral playing for advanced pupils, 5. in the history and aesthetics of music. For solo-singing as a chief subject together with the above-mentioned subjects, including classes for the attain ment of absolute pitch, piano - playing and lessons in Italian, the annual fee is Marks 420.—. For every other subject of tuition a fee of Marks 60.— per annum is due. Pupils who have chosen the theory of music as their prin cipal subject, are entitled to instruction on the piano, in playing from score and conducting, free of additional charge.