§ 11. Every pupil applying for admission to the Conserva- torium must first undergo an examination by a Commission appointed for that purpose , by whom it will be ascertained whether he (or she) possesses the talent and education neces sary for reception, and who will determine which classes the student is to join. To enable the Examiners to form their judgment, each pupil must bring and play some well practiced pieces of music not necessarily of great difficulty. Those who have already made attempts at composition, should send copies of their productions to the Council (post- free) before their admission, or, at least, lay them before the Examiners at the preliminary examination. §12. Rules of Discipline. 1) pupils of the Royal Conservatorium of Music must submit to the rules of the institute and obey the orders of the Council and of their masters. 2) Pupils are admitted into the Conservatorium after passing a preliminary examination, their admission being declared by the Council and they personally signing their names in the book of registry. 3) Every pupil will receive a pass-card on being ad mitted, which must be returned to the Council on leaving the Conservatorium. Should such pass-card be lost, the fact should immediately be notified to the Council. The fee for a duplicate is 1 M. 4) Pupils are not permitted to choose their masters. The Council alone has to decide by which masters they shall be taught, and can only take into con sideration the desires of a pupil regarding the choice of masters in so far as they may appear possible and expedient.