General Remarks. The expense of living in Leipzig is about the same as in other large cities; but it is impossible to make a reliable estimate meeting all cases, since so much depends upon what is required. Whereas one pupil may be able to cover his expenses (exclusive ofthefeesto the institute) with 1000 Marks an other student may require 1200 to 1500 Marks per annum. Lodgings consisting of a single furnished room are let for 180 to 240 Marks yearly, or with an additional small bedroom, from 200 to 300 Marks. Plain dinners cost from 50 Pfennig to 1 Mark. The council is willing to suggest to pupils arriving in Leipzig the addresses of respectable families who are prepared to let rooms, with or without board. The usual charge for the monthly hire of a square or cot tage piano ranges from 6 to 9 Marks, for a grand piano from 12 to 20 Marks, according to the quality of the instruments. Those who desire to have a piano of their own during their stay will always find an opportunity of purchasing second hand instruments in good condition, which at the students departure can generally be sold at a small loss. There also are several establishments, from which, for a moderate subscription, musical works, both ancient and modern, and of every class, can be hired. It may be gratifying to English and American pupils intending to study in Leipzig, to know that divine Services in the English language are held every Sunday by an English and an American Clergyman. All inquiries and applications must be addressed, post- free, as follows: An das Direclorium des Knigl. Conservaloriums der Musik zu Leipzig. March 1905.