leaving the hall, by changing seats, talking, etc. Applause must never exceed the limits of deceney and moderation. 12) Pupils are required to give 6 weeks’ notice to the Council, before leaving the Conservatory. The terms for leaving the institute are Easter and the end of July. 13) In case of any moral irregularity or infringement of the above regulations, the offender will be severely reprimanded by the Council, will forfeit all privi leges he or she may enjoy, or be dismissed from the Conservatorium. Offenses against rule 11 will be punished by temporary or permanent exclusion from the private practice evenings. The customary testimonial will not be given to those so dismissed and any fees paid, or due for the current half year, will be neither returned nor cancelled. § 13. The lessons continue throughout the year, with the exception of Sundays and Holidays, and of the vacations to be fixed by the Council. For the present these vacations are as follows: a. At Easter, from Palm-Sunday to the end of Easter- Week. b. Whitsuntide, Saturday preceding the festival, and the week after. c. Summer-Holidays: 2 months, August and September. d. At Christmas: from December 23 d to January 2d inclusive. The Summer-Term begins as before on Monday after the Easter-Week and closes at the end of July; the Winter- Term begins on the 1st October and ends on Saturday before Palm-Sunday.