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5) All pupils are obliged to attend the classes in which, besides the principal subject they intend to study, the following subjects are dealt with, viz.: 1. Theory. Ladies may receive permission to dis continue the further study of theory after finishing the course of harmony. 2. Choral Singing, provided the pupil show ability. 3. Orchestral Playing for pupils in the more advanced classes for wind- or string-instruments. 4. Ensemble Playing for more advanced pupils. 5. History and aesthetics of Music. 6) No lessons may be missed without sufficient excuse. Cases of illness should be immediately brought to the notice of the Council in writing. 7) Pupils are not allowed to take private lessons from any teachers not giving instruction at the Conser vatory, without special permission from the Council. 8) Pupils may not take part in concerts of any description, in other orchestras or choral societies in or out of Leipsic. 9) Only those pupils that have attained the required degree of artistic excellence will be admitted as can didates to take part in the annual public examinations before Easter. Any wishes regarding admission to such examinations should be addressed to the respec tive master, who will lay them before the Council for further decision. Any other desires should be submitted to the president of the Council. 10) The pupils performing are not allowed to respond to a call in the public concerts (examinations) or the private practice-evenings. 11) The pupils are earnestly recommended to attend the regular Friday-evening-musical performances, and those occurring at times on Tuesday from 6—8. The performances must not be disturbed by entering or