The Royal Conservatorium of Music of Leipzig. § 1. The object of the Conservatorium of Music at Leipzig, established with Royal authority and support, is the higher education in Music. The instruction it imparts, embraces, theoretically and practically, all branches of Music, considered as an Art and a Science. § 2. The Theoretical Instruction consists of a complete course of the Theory of Music and Composition, which extends over three years. Every year at Easter and Michaelmas a new course commences, so that pupils can enter re gularly twice every year. (See §. 9. Foreigners.) Those pupils who already possess sufficient preliminary theoretical knowledge , and are sufficiently capable in other respects, so that upon their admission they can at once be placed into the upper classes, can complete their theoretical Studies in a shorter time than three years. If, neverthe less, it is thought necessary, these pupils will be re quired to attend at the same time the lessons in the lower classes as “repetitions”, so as to become thoroughly ac quainted with the whole system of teaching in its full extent. The Theoretical Instruction comprises the following subj ects: a. Harmony. Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue. 13