(8 % 2) Every pupil is required to submit unconditionally to the Orders of the Council and the Masters. 3) The Council has to decide which Masses each pupil istojoin; consequently thepupilshave no right to choosetheir masters for themselves nor can they ask to have lessons from two different masters in the same branch of instruction. 4) Every pupil (whatever the instrument may be to which he especially devotes himself) must also regularly at- tend the instruction in Harmony and Thorough-bass, Piano- forte-playing, and dass or chorus singing, these branehes of instruction being obligatory for all. 5) Only those who desire to train themselves as Solo- singers will receive instruction in Solo-singing, and must be such as according to the opinions of the Masters or of a Physician possess the neeessary qualifications. 6) No pupil, whilst belonging to the Conservatorium, and who has not been formally granted permission to leave, is allow- ed to take part, in any public performance, whereveritmaybe, either as solo-player or solo-singer, nor is he (she) allowed to perform in any other orchestra, orto sing in any other Choral Society. The Council alone can dispense with the observance of this rule, whenthey and the Masters may think itadvisable. 7) The pupils are strictly forbidden to take private lessons in those branehes in which they have or have had lessons at the Conservatorium, from masters who are not part of the staff of the Institution. 8) If during the evening entertaimnents (Abendunterhal tungen) the performance of any one should call forth applause, it must be kept within the bounds prescribed by the circum- stances of the case. No pupil is permitted to respond to a recall. 9) As the reputation and prosperity of the Conservatorium depends in a great measure upon the conduct of the pupils, the Council feels bound to exercise a strict watchfulness over each member of the same, not only whilst in the Institution, butalsoin their respective homes. Should any moral irregula- rityor infringement of the preceding rules occur, (see § 1—8), the offender will be seriously reprimanded by the Council %,.x