The Center for Jcwish Culturc is houscd in the Former Bene Emuna prayer housc locatcd at 17 Mcisclsa Street, named aftcr Rabbi Meisels. Bene Emunah was built in 1886 by a worship socicty, on a sitc where thcrc had becn a smelter belonging to the Cracow goldsmiths’ guild until the seventeenth cehtury. 1t was the work of the well-known Cracow architect and builder Jacek Matusihski. The style oF the building reFers lo the trends oF the time, with oriental elcments. Inside, the most interesling elcments were the Aron Ha-Kodesh, the Holy Ark, an iron column in the passageway separating the men’s and the women’s scctions, and a large memorial plaquc For the Founders and others who were connected with the prayer house. The whole interior was covered with interesling polychromy al lhe end oF the ninctecnth Century. Time, willFul deslruction and misuse oF the building häd left it in sorry condition. 1t necded to be completely renovated, remodeled and extended in Order to house the Center For Jewish Culture. Preparations For this began in 1988, and work starled in 1990. In addilion to a careFul reconstruction oF the building, it was modernized For its new cullural and educalional Functions. Air conditioning, simultaneous translalion equipment, a Computer network and film projection Facilities' are somc oF its new Features.' A library, archives, reading and study rooms are now being Furnishcd. AU this work, which has earned high praise from lhe experts, was donc by the Skalski Conslruction Company as general conlractor. The Center opened at the end oF November 1993. 11 operates under lhe auspices oF the Judaica Foundation. Once the program oF lhe Center is fully in gear, we hope lo be ablc lo begin the next Stage — lo build a second Facility next door, which wiU havc much-nceded office spacc as weU as a kosher reslaurant and guest rooms. A longer-term goal is lo build a hole! to complete lhe complex. This will serve lhe many who come hcre From around the globe, and will help this part oF Cracow econoinically. We hope the Center wiU become an imporlanl part oF lhe cultural landscapc and that it wiU give impetus to the resloralion oF Kazimierz. We invite all people oF good will to join in this eFFort. Director Judaica Foundation Aume ''Joachim Russek