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W'SCHOMRU choir a cappella (David Nowakowski) A Quotation from the Bible about observing the sabbath, the day ofrost after a wook of work. Godgave the sabbath to the chddren of Israel for all time as an eternal covenant, since in six days He created heaven and earth and on the seventh day He rested and ceb ebrated. KIDDUSCH tenor, choir, organ / piano (Kurt Weill) "Be praised our Eternal God, King of all creation, who formed the vine, chose us, b/essed us with your commandments and induded us in your sabbath celebrations out of tove and joy at the memory of our creation. For this is the first day of our adoration for You, a re- minder of our füght fromEgypt, as Youhadraisedus up as your chosenpeopie, honoured above all the nations. Be praised, Eternal God, who blessed the sabbath". OMAR RABBI ELOSOR baritone, choir, organ / piano (Josef Rosenblatt) Rabbi Elosor and rabbi Akiba, two great scribes of the Bible, promise peace to all who keep the Lord's commandments. Peace dwells inside their walls and catm in their homes. The Lordstrengthens hispeop/e andsends thempeace. SCHUWOH ADAUHOJ alto, tenor, choir a cappella (Louis Lewandowski) Moses said: "Come back, Eternal God, let us ex alt the Lord and his teaching, which is our great treasure. The Tree of Life is for those who Uve by it, and b/essed is the one who understands it. Its way is a way of beauty, and all its paths lead to peace. Guide us on your way, Eternal God, and renew our Uv es as in the past". EZ CHA JIM choir a cappella (Samuel Naumbourg) “The Tirah, the Jewish law, is the Tree of Life for those who obey it and b/essed is he who understands it. /ts way is a way of beauty, and all its paths lead to peace. AHow us to return to your side, o Lord, our Eternal God, as we yearn to find you once more. Renew our Uv es as in the past".