MA TAUWU baritone, choir, organ / piano (Samuel Lampel) Songs of praise based on verses from the psa/ms sung at the entrance to the synagogue: "How beautifu/ are your tents, Jacob, how beautifu/ your homes, o Israel". HAM'CHABE ESS HANER tenor, choir, organ / piano (Samuel Aiman) The laws of the Tj/mud concerning the customs of the sabbath evening, particularly re- lating to the Hghting of the sabbath cand/es: "He who puts out Hght eit her for fear of gentües, thieves or evi! spirits, or so as to allow the sick to s/eep, he shall be abso/ved of his sins. However if he puts out the Hght simply so as to economise on the use of the lamp - to use less oü or to save the candte wick - then that person is gui/ty ofbreaking the laws of the sabbath" L'CHO DAUD! alto, choir a cappella (Charles Davidson) A song with a chorus, which is sung on Friday, evenings to we/come the sabbath. The song is both ce/ebratory and reftective just Uke a bride, and here is sung in an Interpreta tion from the musicalpantomime "The Orthodox Sabbath". Ml CHOMAUCHO a cappella choir (Louis Lewandowski) "Who among the po werf ul can be compared to You, A/mighty God? Who is Uke You, wor- shipped for your hoüness, and raised up high for your celebrated deeds, for the mirades You perform?" HASCHKIWENU tenor, baritone choir, organ / piano (Samuel Aiman) An evening prayer asking for safety at night and protection from all evi! TAURASS ADAUNOJ alto, choir, organ I piano (Louis Lewandowski) Psalm 19, 7/8 - "The law of the Lord is perfect - refreshment to the soul; decree of Yahweh is trustworthy - wisdom for the simple; the precepts of Yahweh are honest - joy for the heart; the commandment of Yahweh is pure - light for the eyes".