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Di nacht / The Night Text: Aaron Domnitz (1884-1975) Melodie: Michl Gelbart (1889-1962) Arr.: Joseph Dorfman (1940-2006) S'iz keyner mit mir in der nakht, di nakht nor aleyn iz mit mir. Oyf vegn farkhmuret un shtum di shtilkeyt aleyn vandert um. Ikh gey, s'iz a vayter der veg, farvolknt un toyb iz di nakht. Vuhin? Freg dem ritm fun di trit. Zey gibn keyn entfer mir nit. S'iz keyner mit mir in der nakht, di nakht nor aleyn iz mit mir. Vos vayter un vayter ahin, vuhin, shtile vegn, vuhin? There is no one with me in the night, the night alone is with me. On obscure and silent roads only stillness is around me. I go, long is the way, the night is cloudy and deaf. Where? Ask the rhythm of the Steps. They give no answer. There is no one with me in the night, the night alone is with me. It goes on and on, where, silent roads, where? Hungerik dayn ketzele / Your Kitten is Hungry Mordechai Gebirtig (1877-1942) Arr.: Friedbert Groß Shlof shoyn, mayn hungerik meydele, makh shoyn di eygelekh tzu. Hungerik iz oykh dayn mamele un veynt nisht un shrayt nisht vi du. Lern zikh, kind, fun dayn mamele, nem altz vi zi nemt farlib. Morgen s'vet oyfshteyn mayn meydele, vet sayn a sakh broyt in shtib. Ay liu liu ay liu liu liu - nu shlof schoyn, mayn kroynenyu.Shlof shoyn, mayn narish kleyn meydele, vos iz haynt epes mit dir? Hungerik iz oykh dayn ketzele un’s hot gor keyn taynes tzu mir. Her vi es miauket, es redt tzu dir: Meydl los mamen tzu ru. Hungerik ikh oykh, kleyn ketzele, un'kh veyn nisht azoy vi du.Shlof shoyn, mayn orem kleyn meydele, vayl der shlof lindert di noyt. Hungerik iz oych dayn lyalkele un veynt nisht un mont nisht keyn broyt. Lern zikh kind fun dayn lialkele, veyst vos zi trakht atzind? - Oy vi batribt iz a mamele, ven hungerik iz ir kind. Sleep already, my hungry little girl, close your eyes already. Your mother is also hungry and doesn't cry and yell like you. Learn, child, from your mother, accept facts, as she does, as they are. Tomorrow, my little girl will get up, there will be a lot of bread in the house. Ay liu liu ... sleep already, my little crown. Sleep already, my foolish little girl, whatever is the matter with you today? Your kitten is hungry too and does not complain to me. Hear, how it meows, ittalks to you: Girl, let your mother alone! I, your little kitten, am also hungry, and I don't cry like you.Sleep already, my poor little girl, because sleep heals the need. Your doll is hungry too and doesn't cry, and doesn't ask for bread. Learn, child, from your doll. Do you know what she is thinking now? - Oh how sad is a mother, when her child is hungry. Kinderyorn / Years of Childhood Mordechai Gebirtig, Arr.: Juan Garcia Kinderyorn, zise kinderyorn, eybik blaybt ir vakh in mayn zikorn. Ven ikh trakht fun ayer tsayt, vert mir azoy bang un layd. Oy vi shnel bin ikh shoyn alt gevorn. Nokh shteyt mir dos shtibl far di oygn, vu ikh bin geboyrn, oyfgetsoygn. Oykh mayn vigl ze ikh dort, shteyt nokh oyf dem zelbn ort. Vi a kholem iz dos alts farfloygn. Nokh ze ikh dikh, Feygele, du sheyne, nokh kush ikh di royte beklekh dayne. Dayne oygn ful mit kheyn dringn in mayn harts arayn, kh'hob gemeynt, du vest amol zayn mayne. Kinderyorn, kh'hob aykh ongevoyrn, mayn getraye mamen oykh farloyrn. Fun der shtub nishto keyn flek, Feygele iz oykh avek. Oy vi shnel bin ikh shoyn alt gevorn. Sweet years of childhood, you live in my memory. When I think of you, I get wistful, how quickly I have become old. I still see the house where I was born and raised, and my cradle is yet on the same place. Like a dream is all fade away. I still see you, my pretty Feygele, and still I kiss your red Cheeks. Your charming eyes pe- netrate my heart. I thought once that you would be mine. Years of childhood, you are gone, I have lost my beloved mother, the house is vanished, also Feygele is disappeared. How quickly I have become old.