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ORCHESTRA ER® A®=, sasi £ä0| ZLCHS £ tlfe S3SI JäZ =31^0! 4rE|*?l^2|| ^iWOi ÜHäll^OI XRSfe g® 2. TfiAEat, 2007g hshaeü a a*pr ?®er tER’ y^s. *i > ®RS 39.R 2008g SRI S^R 91 ¥ g HA & DlAf □fOI^R ®R i=Oi< Sf/Hl SKQ. iKWI 8W£ 3® *IE! =91^0! §°| aof H Ä ^|< s 7 | fe o|017|- oojoixiB I^H®^ H9B@! ü SJSRDresdner Philharmonie)® H9BE!!0)l °|x|® ®?RE!0| Q. 187ogoi| aEf® H9B@! ^SfHM ®S<4E® 1870g 11 ft 29g a g«H®AjE< x|aoct| cs||ad|| A| SiRg £7| A|X|*f 1915g®£| taiR 0|S> AfeS^ °iq. x-j®O|fe 0|S# g® qtIIae^htii ^Sf® 7ia>°l °l ° h ER tffll SFSQ. xj 0gA7|, R. §0| ÄfAiei x|?| öfö°g, 1934g®E-fe n® y SIE!!, 42|S|S7! sga^S £2U, 1945 Lj 0|*0||^ =L2E Dj^Oj, ^E| 5||2tl|5|, §||=H||^7|K zfe 7ia>0| Wgöpl £3|A0!°| ass 2001 g®Ei 2oo3a77!xi a 9i»g a^i^wy or o®n A7p! ggsip. 2004-5 A|g®Efe 7-ia ggg h?m 9i yapA7^x|ax)g ffeSHJl 2011 /12 Afe“Ej 0|S^ ®Ci»g o| g» o|Ojg°R. &aH §y S3IAE!! ®R3.i=l4 El?® g® ?ia 0Rg® 7||®x|«|AKLaureate ConductorB CQA1 g|B|| 2 tüicsa’ Olafe ®B?||AE^>£|g7H 91 5 ®®&| S*ll Ag igagsfe 0 |>o£ s«||o|| 01 gz °r zpj Adolfe ®5j 55!(Kulturpalast)S S££°S. AfeSJR. £Z E!R. s9iaeü naaM® gsa°£ ®§y s^giR®B®äBa)ow go||Aj >gLfe 2004g, ab® >°| ®£0| x|ä|“xi® 0|®7j x®°| Aj°J ORBR £ÜB LjAjXj 4§0|| 0£?F §7| Aiam 2^ DRESDNER PHILHARMONIE S Efe ®£f SS 2|0IB 3®0 |Ä HsftKreuzkircheM §£91 £, Scholoss Albrechtsberg §S EB cB® AfeofH. £|Q. E+äJ| £fe£2||A@! ÜSRH tfaE+4 H2HAS! gsRM 2tO|g7)oig. Principal Conductor: Michael Sanderling Honorary Conductor: Kurt Masur First Guest Conductor: Markus Poschner gcn>ga= 1m 1870-1885 2m 1885-1886 3m 1886-1890 4m 1890-1903 sm 1903-1915 6m 1915-1923 zm 1923-1924 sm 1924-1929 9m 1929-1932 10m 1932-1934 11m 1934-1942 12m 1942-1944 13m 1945-1946 14m 1947-1964 15m 1964-1967 ö||s°r °1ab|ee Hermann Mannsfeldt 0|?H *jcH°! Michael Zimmermann (HEae^ Emst Stahl 0l®RSEä r=£!!>a| August Trenkler «JB| SS! Willy Olsen 011—?! SSd Edwin Lindner SA1I° naf^l Joseph Gustav Mraczek 0||®0|be a|2|?|| Eduard Morike H|S Paul Scheinpflug H||2 L| afE.ö| Werner Ladwig n|S Ef äEÜ Paul van Kempen ä'VrSJSIE Carl Schuricht h|O|^ii*e| Gerhart Wiesenhutter o|£!^®71sä Heinz Bongartz yBAE ?ae| Horst Forster 16dl 1967-1972 ®=eni®OJ KurtMasur 1972-1976 1977-1985 1986-1994 1994-2001 19bl 20dl 3E| ä||=ti|5| Gunther Herbig oJ|=LtH|j=LJ= ?||a Herbert Kegel fla~7 n|E| HfO|§ Jorg-Peter Weigle D l'S!Smb Michel Plasson 17dl 18dl 2im 2001-2004 □IS| Ofh-^A?! Marek Janowski 22m 2004-2011 afnfä! q| Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos 23m 2011-ÄMI a ISlsf!m>ä Michael Sanderling Upon being founded in 1870, the Dresdner Philharmonie brought a new spirit to the city's public music culture with its performances at the "Gewerbehaussaal". The orchestra remains true to this tradition today. As the city's orchestra, the Dresdner Philharmonie is conscious of its Obligation to a diverse audience. In addition to its classical-ro- mantic core repertoire, the Dresden Philharmonie has always been open to performing Contemporary compositions.The orchestra con- tinues this trend today with recently commissioned works from Sofia Gubaidulina, Rodion Schtschedrin, Gija Kancheli, and Michael Nyman. Noteworthy conductors and soloists regularly gave guest perfor mances with the Dresdner Philharmonie: Johannes Brahms, Peter Tchaikovsky, Antonin Dvorak and Richard Strauss came to conduct their own works. In later years this included artists like Hermann Abendroth, Eduard van Beinum, Fritz Busch, Eugen Jochum, Joseph Keilberth, Erich Kleiber, Hans Knappertsbusch, Franz Konwitschny or Arthur Nikisch. In recent times the orchestra has worked with guest conductors such as Marc Albrecht, Dennis Russell Davies, Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Kristjan Järvi, Michail Jurowski, Dimitri Kitajenko, Ya kov Kreizberg, Sir Neville Marriner, Wayne Marshall, Kurt Masur, Ingo Metzmacher, Andris Nelsons, Markus Poschner, Andrö Previn, Karl- Heinz Steffens, Yuri Temirkanov, Yan Pascal Tortelier, Sebastian Weigle, Simone Young and Lothar Zagrosek. Regular guest appearances by soloists such as Rudolf Buchbinder, Julia Fischer, Kirill Gersteln, Matth ias Goerne, Vadim Gluzman, Martin Grubinger, Hakan Hardenberger, Michaela Kaune, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Daniel Müller-Schott, Fazil Say, and Jean-Yves Thibaudet have also enriched the orchestra's reper toire. In 1909 the Dresdner Philharmonie became one of the first German orchestras to perform a concert tour in the United States. Since then concert tours have taken the Dresdner Philharmonie to the major music centers of Europe, the Americas and Asia. Michael Sanderling, Principal Conductor since 2011/12, will lead the Dresdner Philharmonie this season on tours to Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea, Denmark, Spain and to the leading Central European music centres including Cologne, Munich and Vienna.