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^Qfyo| 4^1 *|O|2W. 2006-1 oa -^LH O^miDI m < X|S|4 g Ofie »S®2)W. n§°1 4|£|S| HfOIOIE W ®J2.SRE+, HIK5*11.2 = 8|^4£?i|AEE-h<^E 7 fEE ££jjSf Q®, £4149! ^Ei-Äj^aii, m^BhS Ü5)£g, Hi|>ej ntMET, Bf0|£x|5| MDR -äJffl-l £4|4e.E|-, öfcH] «SIHg, *1= £ ¥l?ü HiMÖ, 4£241 A§El § 2414 £E|0||A144§E|2W. 0| 71-gcil fi5 WIIMsl 24l4£ai2i°| SM|S11= 2HF1 ng?n| 0||2 ‘5^ W(2011) Ä|S|b n°| g-äO|| W?H1 WSW SONY E||01 >0M A4E&H|Ä| 5t§S^SKOD1 A|2, XI^OIIE S 8 SW. £4149! 1W°| 19808 CH §822 71 >E|LW. 87,90,948011 H2 ?i|fi ^W5K2 20048011 äJS xffil WSW. asm 11 /12 AIS 4< X |$|x& *|oj§W. 2013/ 2014 A|S0||fe 8?ü 1,2D|^E| W8 18 2?w&, W 5|2L|0f24|42EW441» WZ SW. ing the Dresden Philharmonie marked the beginning of regulär and close artistic collaboration with the tradition-steeped orchestra. At the beginning of the 2011/12 concert season Michael Sanderling was named Principal Conductor of the Dresden Philharmonie. Sanderling has worked with many leading international orchestras including theTonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Sinfonieorchester des Bayer ischen Rundfunks, the Münchner Philharmoniker, the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Konzerthausorchester Berlin, the Radio- Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, the Gürzenich Orchester Köln and the Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest. In forthcoming seasons he will also give a series of important debut performances such as with the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, the WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln, the Bamberger Symphoniker, the Yomi- uri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, the National Philharmonie Orchestra Taiwan and Phil- harmonia Orchestra London. D|311 tKiltS 018 // 24148 SJ0114< A|?|xi£ “°J817|E x® iü£|^ E ?24l o®ä§L| Q. x® 24148 IS x|s|äf a 888°) ^oicilfi. SSOiaih °|o m sejo|| AJ 7 H <2.41® <4322 §8|Z 2 4148 A®2» 7 §|t agsr ojyoj q ¥. §¥£145® 8MQ. 014 K£1j^l-M AK) )L||8 4515)214 17712. 01E! A|?|A1£ 24148 BS X|?|äP5 A®20|| äMQ. Ai gA| ®X1 45|0||12582 l»ll OI£L|4.// // <1145® 828 58 Ofyi-iq-. £4140® ä8||o |0f2) 0H¥ 7127® ?|x|0|| 19A1|7| go-IAffl, ääH0|°1°| §°18 oH¥ §21 L|Q. 222X1221 44IEM71 21144. 2fi°| 45|0! B0R1 §271 °®L| Cf. 881I 0(145)451 A1A||O| ?J0|2f ¥4125|2 0®0| °®14C|. J. 2! 7®§® 52 218 §217 ®o124140! 4XH <4010118 04 1144. £414 0! B2| ®M® <81 «'(deutsche wunderHauch)22 ¥=<8 514 Ct. £2) « A® 400113 §°12414018 ¥81 §x| §W0|| 2t4X| gf® g A| 8l2tt=m A1°g0| Ai|71®£|8 S°t°| 5®S ®A|5® 24140!® A1| 4l<0ll ¥8§2) 50M 0iü71A|gqci. 12R|O£ 45|°| <Ahä® X|?1^ 4 2121^Ut4.// // ?®0|2t50| 2hrf°| äBMQ. ulAim 18344E1BS IsSIZ2l°0, c| ® 8§0||Ai 2g X|=ä17il4 AIAI214E|71 gL|t4.244 24140! B 3Sf8 a®771X| 41® A|?|® q®Äi| 40IIA17HB «2| 7fe£# ^41 £0® (4 q4ll® gSfslTii 5®q| Qj4tfL|c|. n^o| zgg7i, h®h°1x|, e 841.8^nia|ai2!A|0|| trK412| c|4®§ze!8raA1342®S 18A|?JL| cf. Z018 58 8128 ££0l|£ E1§S0| 258 #7|gA| ifef2®q® 514 Q. §¥ §4 WA® X|tf 20-3081 §o|2147’4 38°l 2L88 18128^1-14.// Principal conductor | Michael Sanderling Recent high points in his career include return engagements to con- duct the Konzerthausorchester Berlin, the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, the NDR-Radiophilharmonie Hannover, the Orquesta Na- cional de Porto, the Frankfurter Opern- und Museumsorchester, the MDR-Sinfonieorchester Leipzig and Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich. His conducting of Sergei Prokofiev's "War and Peace" at the Cologne Op era was met with the highest acclaim from press and public alike. As Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Kammerakademie Potsdam, from 2006 to 2010 Sanderling performed at international concert venues and recorded several CDs with the ensemble, includ ing the chamber symphonies of Dmitry Shostakovich on the SONY Classical label. In 2010 he founded "Skyline Symphony" in Frankfurt/ Main - a collaboration of Europe's leading orchestra players who join together in performing special classical music concerts on the Cam pus of the Goethe University geared to younger audiences in an easily accessible setting free of formal Convention. Michael Sanderling's early musical training was on the cello. After successfully participating as a cellist in several competitions (the ARD International Music Competition Munich, the Johann Sebastian Bach International Music Competition Leipzig and the Maria Canals Competition Barcelona), when only 19 Sanderling was engaged by Kurt Masur as principal cellist with the Leipzig Gewandhausorchester. Sanderling was subsequently also principal cellist of the Rundfunk- Sinfonieorchester Berlin for many years. He has made guest appear- ances as a cello soloist with top-flight orchestras throughout Europe and the US, including the Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rund funks, the Orchestre de Paris and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Born and educated in Berlin, Michael Sanderling is one of the most promising conductors of his generation. His 2005 debut conduct-