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3°t^: 3Ä0II SH&Spqob ±L|E|- a Ai> £|«kQf^o 5.^7|| £f£M2W. «lb a|^ SR-I# ^*1 Qb b°^Ai b^tb a|§ <p |zKü 3H8p|| E| o^l Sb b^l 4°fö: H|SO| ?|E|E| “^o|, ^°|S|L|O|EKNach dir, Herr, verlangt mir, BWV150)" 2| bb(‘ L H 2-bTL b^l L^-Sbboil s|§H 7|£^om o®txN’)0||Ai y[ A|b 80)C|°| b||0|w ^A||0|| 7|i»h II|-A|^-a|0| Af E^O| ^§)0|Q. X|^SM| ^2||£|Z blJ ©Ml 30?H 2^011 *bb H7|| a|| “b°^ 4 > 4 Sib^il, 3 >bb(0||iSna||A|ä, 3/2äW)b Äf^st 47H(12~15)°| o|aow OIQ. 0| AJSSf ^bb^b^Af°, n^a|>0| A^*! <5^oi £w«i ?ib> oram > a?h^b§£> s Hy! c h Brahms' Symphony No. 4 is the last symphony that he com- posed for the orchestra and it is known that he was particu- larly secretive about the composition process of this work, perhaps due to some exploratory features of the piece such as musical elements from medieval church music as well as variations of the Baroque music. The first performance of this work took place privately in Vienna where Brahms performed an arrangement for two pianos with his friend Ignaz Brüll. After hearing the perfor mance, music critic Eduard Hanslick claimed that, "I had the feeling that I was being given a beating by two incredibly intelligent people,“ and biographer Max Kalbeck had ad- vised Brahms that the scherzo should be thrown away but the finale should be published in a workof itsown. Howev- er, in October 1885, when the official premiere of the work was performed at Meiningen in Germany, it turned out to be a big success. The duke was particularly satisfied with the first and third movements and it is known that he had asked for those two movements to be played again. The first movement Allegro non troppo begins with a simple motif and as the music progresses, the violins play the primary theme in the key of e minor that is mostly com- posed of descending 3rds.The second theme is played by the horns and cellos which forms a contrast with the soft melody in the oboes. In the second movement Andante moderato, Brahms uses a theme in the 'phrygian mode' which is a musical mode in medieval church music. It is known that Richard Strauss likened this movement to”a fu- neral procession moving in silence across moonlit heights” which highlights the dark, melancholy and religious mood. Although the third movements in Brahms' previous sym- phonies are usually relaxed and dance-like pieces, the third movement of his fourth symphony, Allegro giocoso, is a scherzo in the sonata form which contains powerful rhythms and colourful melody. In the last movement, Al legro energico e passionato, Brahms uses a Symphonie passacaglia (similar to chaconne) in which the progression of chords are developed into thirty different variations.The theme is known to be derived from Bach's cantata, Nach dir, Herr, verlangt mir, BWV 150.