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DRESDNER PHILHARMONIE ORCHESTRA Ca|| ACH gsfstg iQj ^^-1 ^S.O| ca|| AE||O| qj S Q?||xEB|-g ^be D^Oj, Ql-ai 0fiL“A7|, n2|uii Cil O|CH 201 iy¥E-i D l®h= 4^ A|®|4 22Q. JE.ailA'ä! 1SFÜS- 15*PI A|o|Ä|o||A-i s^sf S°|£| (Ratsmusik)’7f 19A||7|o| STII^a^ -y^8)7|77)7| J. £>0| 7|g 0|0|^ ^|0|Q. c q|AC||0| 5! ^-A1E» gf7| A|*f®F 187045 O|EH^, Q7||^Ea|- °| ÜPI £A1 E< £A|o| SAi E £Spf HöHS°°l, o| 2|ok E3IAE! ^51-s.Htz- a|2 “om £A|E £?||AE4£W§3im STIIAJA A|7R|O| (Kulturpalast) Oil 2017tf0|| A|^£ i!^E|7| *W)X| ^|SEfeZ[ HJI* £!^tRl#AgäHQ. Al®> AfBHSfe Eqi AQy ^ S L4ß yof q| R | £ 2-|<>öH A^E^ o X | S |.gA|£ H|.£a2|. u| ^2(|A| S 5|-, F£^ sm -^s# >8H °<3®1 A|-§C2|. S.O| AEf<2J> ^ A | w. sm svm mm b^sf ^g ^7|SHS°m. s §0|gM^A, *|0|§A7|, E^axH, m^lS E AeqoAtiE-i 0||a|8| amoim, ®fA ojcau saus, i-iiiJ w, ysaiA i^as} oh=hpiw Cf2f£F §^7g0| J£&£|0| Ol[q AII7II a LH Q7||AE mm §s mm^moii §s®f vs# ca||acii «si-amS aso|äo||Ai H.a||aeji ®^| Ha|AofA “W1 H )S ‘3^ VPioil 2§2 °i am sm asm eiimsm* ^iia^ smam 7i J9g UfEL-jAi £p|g mAimn oiq-, £#F -E-Hll A'gH ISfSH 2. ?ha eh) EFgrn iv^-g- saiiA'ä! 7ii°jm am^rn ^mmm, Äiimm smm asm sthae^ ^imm gm s >>#7|§MQ. a?||AEa^^§§7| siasSM#s|a oioD| 7)m aaaa, ms ^a-i e £. ah>ü s >enm sms am m mss a7hjl m Q. OHS A||7||mm YOHOII agElbamiAS HäiaHTz-mmimm §§3HS°m i937S¥m ms aiiasoiis smsmqi, iieoiim o|®^ Soilimm a|?I ofs« =o|^a| AAE|SH|7|m msb|§i s Hfisuy o| nsrnm mimsm mmsmam 201 ss 1 is an eiio ix >sy (asm 6s>oi mm soHsmm. The Dresden Philharmonie is the orchestra of Dresden, the State Capital of Saxony. Since 2011, Michael Sanderling has been its Principal Conductor, following Kurt Masur, Marek Janowski, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos and others in this Po sition.The Dresden Philharmonie continues the tradition of the Ratsmusik, the city council's musicians who were first mentioned in the fifteenth Century and had grown into an orchestra by the early nineteenth Century. Since 1870, the year when Dresden got its first great concert hall, the Phil- harmonie's symphony concerts have been an established part of the city's concert life. The Dresden Philharmonie has ever since been a concert orchestra with regulär ven- tures into the fields of opera concertante and oratorios. It is housed in the Kulturpalast in the middle of the OldTown. The listed Shell of the building will be built-in with a new, ultra-modern concert hall by 2017. Until then, the main venues for the Philharmonic's great concerts are the Alber tinum and the Schauspielhaus. The Dresden Philharmonie öfters great musical and stylistic variety. On the one hand, the orchestra has been able to retain its very own "German" sound in the Romantic rep- ertoire. On the other hand, it has developed flexibility of sound and style for Baroque and Viennese Classic music as well as for modern works. Renowned conductors and composers headed the orchestra early on, from Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak and Richard Strauss to Erich Kleiber and Knappertsbusch, Previn and Marriner, to Andris Nel sons and Kristjan Järvi. Premieres remain an important part of the orchestra's Programme today. the Christmas and Easter Bach performances at the Kreuz kirche. For the great choral symphonies the orchestra can rely on the Dresden Philharmonie Choir as an excellent Partner. Another important tradition is chamber music and chamber symphonies performed by the Dresden Philhar monie Chamber Orchestra, all of whose musicians come from the Dresden Philharmonie. Not only does the Dres den Philharmonie enjoy an extraordinarily large number of regulär subscribers; with its family Programmes, film music concerts etc. it does a great job in introducing classical mu sic to new groups of listeners. Guest performances all over the world are testimony to the high renown the Dresden Philharmonie enjoys in the world of classical music. Anoth er remarkable aspect is the Philharmonic's impressive dis- cography which started to develop in 1937. A new paired cycle of symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich and Ludwig van Beethoven under the direction of Principal Conductor Michael Sanderling is currently recorded. Sony Classical has released the debut album of the fascinating combination ofthe Symphonies No. 6 in November 2015. The Dresden Philharmonie joins the Dresden Kreuzchor for © Nikolai Lund