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returns, with a short coda based on the rhythmic figure of the middle section. The monumental Finale begins with a slow (Adagio) introduction that recalls the intensity and the somber mood of the initial pages of the first movement, a mood that had been dispelled by the inner movements. It all begins with a de- scending figure in the bass against which a short phrase in the violins anticipates the main theme of the Allegro that ensues. After some agitated passage work and the roll of the timpani, the mood brightens slightly with an “alphorn call” motif in the horn; the Hute soon takes this motif. After the brief interruption from a quiet and solemn chorale for bassoons and trombones, two horns resume the “alphorn call,” bringing us to the main body of the movement. Marked Allegro non troppo, ma con brio, the strings intone the majestic and hymn-like main theme, which is in turn taken over by flutes and oboes. In an animato section, this theme is then elaborated upon, along with a number of subsidiary motifs and melodic phrases. Following a short dolce melody for the oboe and a short, but agitated transitional passage, the secondary dieme (a pattem of dotted quarters and eighth notes played as a sequence) is heard in the violins. After the oboe takes it up, this theme receives some elahoration before the triumphant return of the main theme in the violins. After another extended development section, the horn and oboe intone the “alphorn call” again, followed by a short recapitulation of die themes. Featuring the chorale, which is now heard fortissimo in all die brass and string Instruments, a splendid coda brings Brahms’ First Symphony to its triumphant conclusion. @ 2000 Columbia Artists Management Inc. COLUMBIA ARTISTS MANAGEMENT, LLC Tour Direction: R. Douglas Sheldon, Sen. Vice President Karen Kloster, Tour Coordinator Nathan Sealzone, Managerial Assist. Elizabeth Ely Torres, Program Coord. Ann Woodruff, Tour Manager ReneeO’Banks, Backstage Peggy Langille, Hotel Ad vance Madelaine Collinson, Conductor Driver Sintec-Tur Air & Cargo Maestro Travel & Touring Hotel Arrangements Music Director Designate Anselm Rose Administration Martin Bülow Orchestra Supervisor Matthias Albert Herybert Runge Henry Cschornack Bernd Gottlöber