0 (1AO or>Q/l GßPo w§ÄIlfÄ#-Sii Safety and Good Returns YOU WANT BOTH when you invest or deposit funds. Especially so if the funds have been entrüstet! to your care as custodian for others. You secure these necessary conditions when you come to THE UNION TRUST COMPANY, of DETROIT. Upon deposits of $100 or more, wc pay four per cent interest after one year. Sums remain- ing: for shorter terms draw interest accordingly. We welcome personal inquiry at our Offices, or requests by mail for further information. Investigation means money to you. Union Trust Company Detroit Genuine English Featherweight (Sold in the United States uniform!) - at $5.00) HATS $3 CHRISTY E Spring 1909 Shapes of these Famous Hats are now ready in Stiff and Soft, Black and Colors, in all sizes. See us also for British Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Sweaters Raincoats, etc. It pays to “Take the Ferry” Direct Importer o( British Wearables lor Men. 7-9 Sandwich St. W. Windsor, Ont W. BOUG We Take Pains to please our customers and hold their trade. When you want CHAS. F. MAY CO ., 10 12 GRATIOT AVE. Opp. Hudson’s BOTH PHONES 2276 PRINTING of any kind, large or small, give us a trial. Estimates promptly furnished.