CORNER WOODWARD AVE AND STATE STREET A very special showing of ex quisite novelties in two and three-piece tailored suits as well as in Gowns, Costumes and Dresses, variously priced from $25 to $300. They are shown in the richest of silks and satins in all the countless new and beautiful textures, as well as in the finest imported woolens, voiles, broad- cloths, satin cloths, worsteds, etc., together with exquisite Cre ations of net, lace, spangled effects, embroidered linens, lin- gerie effects, etc. The great variety precludes extended de- scription, but if you seek a gown or suit for Street, afternoon, re- ception, dinner or evening wear in this magnificent exhibition, you are certain to gratify your every taste and desire. Our this Spring showing of Coats, Capes, Waists, Skirts, etc., needs only be seen to be appre- ciated. Exclusive New Suits A&Sk. Gowns mJm Costumes