iting the financial condition of the As sociation. He shall make an annual financial report at the annual meeting of the Association. He shall make no dis- bursements of any kind without the previous authority of the auditing com- mittee. Art. 11. The Secretary shall keep in a book provided for that purpose all records of the meeting of Directors and of the Association, and shall serve upon the members notices of al kinds pertain- ing to the work of the Association and the chorus. He shall make an annual report at the annual meeting of the As sociation. He shall keep the roll of membership of the chorus and shall fur- nish the Treasurer with the necessary informatioh to enable him to collect dues and other payments owing to the Asso ciation. Art. 12. The Auditing committee shall audit and approve all bills against the Association and transmit them to the Treasurer for payment. Art. 13. The Hall and Ticket com mittee shall have Charge of the neces sary arrangements to provide meeting places and hall for Festival and shall have full Charge of the issue and distri- bution of Festival and other tickets. Art. 14. The Music and Program committee shall have full Charge of the selection of works to be performed, the preparation of programs, and shall re port to the Board for its approval. Art. 15. The Chorus committee shall have Charge of the arrangements neces sary to secure a chorus and shall have the general oversight of the chorus and shall provide and be responsible for the music furnished for the use of the chorus, and may recommend to the Di rectors the appointment of a librarian for this purpose. This committee also shall have Charge of the preparation of notices of all kinds, programs for use at the Festival and otherwise, and for this purpose shall call upon the Music and Program com mittee and the Secretary for the neces sary information. Art. 16. The Membership committee shall seek to increase the Active mem bership, shall have Charge of all adver- tising and shall make the necessary ar- rangement for same, under direction of the Executive officers, and shall have Charge of all arrangements with rail- road and transportation Companies for the benefit of the Festival. Each one of the above committee shall perfect its plans for the best method of carrying out its work and shall submit its report to the Board of Directors. The committees are not au- thorized to make any binding engage- ment for the Association without the special authority of the Board of Direct ors. Art. 17. The Board of Directors, as committee of the whole, will make all engagements necessary in connection with the Festival and other entertain- mentä. Art. 18. Amendments—At any reg ulär meeting of the active members or at a special meeting called for that pur pose these By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present.