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C. G. Brown, W. J. Hamilton, Rufus E. Smith, E. T. Hawkins, Robert Dey, A. T. Durston, G. J. Schattle, G. G. Cotton, E. S. Johnson, E. A. Witherill, W. E. Baldwin, Fred Frazer, J. S. Gray, C. P. Clark, F. C. Eddy, C. W. Wood, W. A. Holden, H. S. Holden, A. W. Palmer, A. R. Peck, Otto Drescher, H. M. Chase. (This certificate has beeil duly ac- knowledged by each one of the incorpo- rators, but the acknowledgments thereof are here omitted.) I hereby approve of the foregoing cer tificate and of the filing thereof. (Signed) W. S. Andrews, J. S. C. BY-LAWS Art. 1. The name of this Association is Syracuse Music Festival Associa tion. Art. 2 The object of this Association is the cultivation and advancement of the art of music, by giving annual mu- sical festivals and other musical enter- tainments and by such other means as are appropriate to that end. Art. 3. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held on the first Wednesday in June at 8 o’clock in the evening. The Order of business at such meeting shall be, reading of the minutes of the last meeting, reports of officers, election of a Board of Directors, gen eral business. At the first meeting a Board of fifteen Directors shall be elected. These, as specified below, shall divide themselves into three classes of five each and at each subsequent annual meeting five Directors shall be elected, whose term of office shall be three years. Art. 4.—Special Meetings—Special meetings may be held at the call of the President on five days’ notice and they shall be held at the wtitten request of five members of the Association. Five days’ written notice must be given of such special meetings, and only such business as is mentioned in the notice may be transacted at such special meet ing. Art. S. Quorum—The quorum for the transaction of business by the Asso ciation at any annual or special meeting shall be nine. And for meetings of the Directors five shall constitute a quorum. Art. 6. Membership—The member- ship shall be the incorporators and those elected as active members by the Board of Directors, such candidates having previously signed an application for membership, and having been recom- mended by the membership committee. These shall manage the affairs of the Association and shall pay annually such sum, not exceeding ten dollars, as may be determined by the directors. Any member may resign at any time, but such resignation shall take effect only at the end of the fiscal year. Art. 7. Directors—Immediately after the first election, the Directors shall meet and shall divide themselves into three classes of five each, whose terms of office shall be respectively, one, two and three years. They shall then an nually elect from their own number a President, a Vice-President, a Treas- urer and a Secretary. The Directors shall manage the af fairs of the Association during the in- tervals between its meetings. Art. 8. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Direct ors and of the Association. He shall make all contracts required for the ac- complishment of the purposes of the As sociation. He shall appoint all standing committees and shall be ex officio a member of each of these committees. Art. 9. The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the Presi dent, perform all the duties pertaining to the office of President. Art. 10. The Treasurer shall keep the books of account of the Associa tion, showing all the receipts and dis- bursements in full detail. He shall be prepared at each meeting of the Board of Directors to present a report, exhib-